Search visibility & user acquisition are getting harder to achieve in heavily-saturated environments...
The research titled Reputation Management for Mobile Apps | Rating & Reviews in 2021 shows that in t...
Customer cohorts is the gold standard for tracking user engagement. It records the behaviour or enga...
Head of Mobile Growth Consulting at AppFollow is taking part in the Game Dev Track at Cyprus IT Foru...
Responding to positive reviews ensures you’re providing a well-rounded level of support & customer e...
The comprehensive guide to the latest version of AppFollow: 7.0. Learn about the variety of excitin...
Try AppFollow for boosting your mobile growth
AppFollow 7.0 has now launched, with a complete suite of tools that empower users to take app growt...
AppFollow with representatives from AppsFlyer, AppQuantum, and Helio Games will host a panel at the ...
Customer focus is about building your around your customers' needs. But what are the benefits of cus...
Now delivering even better benchmark data: the new feature is your one-stop-shop to understanding yo...
Discover how you can use mobile app customer support to boost your app performance, increase ratings...
Find out more about how automation brings high ROI
Try AppFollow for boosting your mobile growth
Learn about the ins and outs of semantic analysis, and how leading developers Gram Games and PicsArt...
Customer research is key to building a deep understanding of your users, and will help you build a p...
AppFollow, together with representatives from Pixel Federation and Ten Square Games S.A., will host ...