Top Apps & Games in The US App Store for Sept 2019

At AppFollow we gathered the data about the most popular apps and games in different AppStore categories between September 1, 2019 and September 30, 2019 for iPhone in the US using Top Charts Rankings tool. To calculate the data, we counted how many times the app or game occupied the first line of Paid, Free and Grossing categories. Looking at this research, you can see the trends taking over the mobile world and users’ taste.

HotSchedules was the top leader in Paid among All Categories. TikTok got to the top Free app among All Categories - no wonder, this app is taking over the whole world, especially, it got huge interest among younger AppStore users. Youtube was a leader of Grossing apps in All Categories.
In Games category the top Paid game in September was Minecraft, the top Free game was i Peel Good and the top Grossing game - still popular Pokémon GO.
In the Business category, leading position in Paid apps went to HotSchedules again. Meanwhile, the top Free app was Indeed Job Search and top Grossing one was Scanner App.
Education category got Xtra Math as a leader among Paid apps, Photomath among Free apps and Duolingo among Grossing ones.
Procreate Pocket was the top Paid app in the Entertainment category. The leader of Free Entertainment apps was already mentioned TikTok and the title of the top Grossing Entertainment app went to Netflix.
Finance goes more and more into mobile and the top Paid app in September 19 was 10bii Financial Calculator, the top Free app was Cash App, while the top Grossing app was QuickBooks Self-Employed. Definitely some clear worldwide trends here.
In the Books category, the first place in Paid went to BookScanner App, while top Free app was Audible and top Grossing app was Yarn - Chat & Text Stories.
Forks Over Knives (Recipes) became the top Paid app in the Food & Drinks category. DoorDash - Food Delivery got to the top Free apps and NYT Cooking - to the top Grossing.
In Health & Fitness category Calm app won top positions in two categories at the same time - Free and Grossing. The Wonder Weeks was the top Paid app.
In Lifestyle there was also one app that definitely got users' attention in Free and Grossing - Tinder. In Paid apps, the leader was Shock My Friends: Tap Roulette, which was trending rapidly in AppStore.
Medical category is also quite techie - Hear My Baby Heartbeat App was a leader in Paid apps when GoodRx - Save On Prescriptions (surely extremely useful one) got to the top of Free apps, Epocrates was top Grossing apps in Medical.
Spotify was a leader of the Free Music category, TonalEnergy Tuner & Metronome got to the top Paid and Pandora Music to the top Grossing.
In Navigation the top leaders were Land Nav Assistant in Paid apps, Google Maps in Free apps and onX Hunt in Grossing apps.
Twitter was leading in Free News apps. 5-0 Radio Pro Police Scanner was on the first place most often in Paid apps and The Wall Street Journal - in Grossing apps.
In Photo & Video category Facetune leaded Paid apps, Youtube and Instagram shared leader position in Free apps and Youtube itself also was top Grossing app in this category.
Productivity category had Forest - Stay focused as a Paid app leader, Gmail as a Free app leader and Dropbox as Grossing apps one.
Amazon leased the Free Shopping category in US AppStore, while Penny Finder was in Paid apps and OfferUp in Grossing apps.
Social Networking had three leaders as well: Threema in Paid, Messenger in Free and LinkedIn in Grossing.
J23 - Release Dates & Restocks was top app in Paid Sports category, NFL and ESPN: Live Sports & Scores in Free and Grossing ones accordingly.
HappyCow Find Vegan Food got the top position in the Paid Travel category. Uber was on the top Free Travel apps and My Disney Experience - on the top Grossing Travel apps.
Utilities had Find My Headphones & Earbuds as a Paid apps leader, Google Chrome as a Free apps leader and RoboKiller: Block Spam Calls as a Grossing apps one.
Overall, we could see certain trends in top chart rankings for iPhone users: they definitely like vegan food, pretty often lose their earphones and get quite stressed out and help themselves by using Calm app. Stay tuned and check which apps and games are on the top in AppStore or GooglePlay with AppFollow Top Chart Rankings tool.