At AppFollow we gathered the data about the most popular apps in the Music category for iOS and Andr...
At AppFollow we gathered the data about the most popular apps and games in different AppStore catego...
A year ago we looked at apps that Apple liked to feature. Back then the editors preferred free apps ...
In this post, we gathered all the latest news about iOS 13 (and what wasn't mentioned at WWDC19) wit...
In September, Apple traditionally refreshes its operating system. We have asked app developers to sh...
Google announced changes to the way it calculates an app's average rating. The good news is that the...
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The FaceApp boom: is the app's success random or planned? We took a closer look at the factors that ...
Netflix has been Apple’s favorite for years. However, since the beginning of this year, their relati...
At WWDC 2019, Apple announced watchOS 6 & the brand new Apple Watch App Store. Smartwatch owners wil...
Apps using 30 symbols in the subtitle stopped being indexed by the App Store. A major bug that happe...
Summary of the most important changes and updates for the ASO people announced by Apple at WWDC 2019
Apple announced new opportunities for advertising on the App Store: Search ads available in 46 addit...
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Apple starts personalized recommendations based on users’ preferences. What does it mean for users a...
That’s really great news but this will impact all iPhone and iPad apps together with their ASO strat...
1st week results in Google Play