43 Examples and 10 Tips on How to Respond to Negative Reviews

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Olivia Doboaca
43 Examples and 10 Tips on How to Respond to Negative Reviews

Table of Content:

  1. What are negative reviews?
  2. Why should you respond to negative reviews
  3. The consequences of ignoring negative reviews
  4. Maximize productivity while automatically responding to 100% of your user reviews in any language
  5. 10 tips on how to respond to negative reviews
    • 1. Start with a Greeting
    • 2. Thank the Reviewer for Their Feedback
    • 3. Apologize for Any Negative Experience
    • 4. Rephrase the Positive Before Addressing the Negative
    • 5. Sign with Your Name
    • 6. Offer Face-to-Face or Offline Mediation
    • 7. ​​Ask for a Second Chance
    • 8. Responding in a Timely Manner
    • 9. Assign Ownership of the Process
    • 10. Create a Policy on How To Respond To Reviews
  6. 43 negative reviews response examples
    • ‍Generic Replies to Negative User Comments
    • Responding to negative reviews related to the price
    • Tools & Utilities
    • Responding to bad reviews in Gaming
    • How finance companies respond to negative reviews
    • E-commerce
    • Entertainment
    • Health
    • Telecom
    • Delivery
    • Taxi
    • Social
    • Travel
    • Education
  7. Why shouldn't you respond to negative reviews immediately?
  8. How to automate responding to a negative review
  9. Final Thoughts
  10. FAQ on how to deal with negative feedback

How to Respond to Negative Reviews: 43 Examples Turning Criticism into Loyalty

Negative reviews on the App Store, Facebook, Amazon, or Google? They’re just someone sharing their opinion on your app or service. Bad reviews may feel personal. You can’t escape it—it’s the reality.

So how do you deal with this?

Start simple. Is it a 1-star with no explanation? Not much to do there. If there’s an explanation, though, that’s where the magic happens.

Sometimes, you just can’t please everyone. Users complain no matter what. It’s a good thing—if everyone loved your product, then there’s something wrong because that’s not how the world works.

In some verticals, most negative reviews come from expectations beyond what you can offer. Let’s say when the customer expects your AI app to do everything for them, but your app only helps with a finite number of tasks. Bad, but what can you do?

Your response isn’t for that one person—it’s for anyone reading it later. 60% of shoppers use negative reviews to decide what to buy. They might do that with you too.

how to respond to negative reviews - data

Stats source: What’s in a review?

So, what do you do when you get a bad review?

You reply in a particular way…and you make sure you reply as much as you can. Then, at some point…a bad review transforms into a positive review. That’s how you win!

In this article, we covered ten strategies and 43 examples of how to respond to negative reviews and turn them into positive outcomes that strengthen your brand’s credibility. Take a look-see!

What are negative reviews?

Negative reviews are public feedback from customers who had a less-than-great experience with your product or service.

From my experience working with companies using AppFollow app review services, negative reviews usually fall into four categories:

  • The no-explanation 1-star
    This one leaves you guessing. No details, just a low rating.how to respond to a negative review - review example
  • The detailed critique
    This one stings but gives you precise feedback. For example:
    how to respond to a bad review - review exampleImage source.
  • The comparison review
    These reviews compare your app to a competitor. It’s tough, but it shows where you might be falling short. Like this one:how to respond to bad reviews - review example
  • The emotional rant
    These are more about venting than actual issues. It’s all frustration and little substance. I’ve seen reviews like:
    responding to negative reviews - exampleImage source.

No matter what, the way you respond matters a lot. We've watched clients turn things around with a well-crafted, level-headed response. You're not just replying to the reviewer. Potential future customers are checking out your response too, so make it count.

Why should you respond to negative reviews

Responding to negative reviews is a must. 54% of shoppers expect a brand to reply to their negative comments, and 89% of consumers read those responses.

There are a bunch of benefits waiting for companies who do it correctly:

  • Builds authenticity
    Replying to bad reviews proves your brand has nothing to hide. Customers are suspicious of any company with all perfect 5-star reviews.

One of our clients who has an app and sells on Amazon got slammed in a review about their product showing up broken. This very seller responded, said sorry, and immediately shipped a replacement. They even posted a comment that said, "This is 100% on us, and we're making our packaging better so this doesn't happen again." And what happened? The customer changed their bad review to 4 stars, and potential buyers could see how committed the company was to fixing issues. Win!

  • Identifies problems
    Bad reviews frequently expose problems your team probably missed. One of our clients, a gaming app, got hit with a bunch of negative reviews about the app crashing on a well-liked level. They were clueless about the issue until these reviews started rolling in. One user said, "This app crashes every single time on level 15. I'm over it." The client looked into it, found the glitch, patched it, and replied: "Thanks for pointing this out! We squashed that bug in the latest update. Give it another shot." The developer didn't just fix the problem, they also showed they pay attention to user feedback.
  • Improves customer service
    A food delivery app client received negative reviews about slow support: “I waited over two days for customer support to answer my issue. I’m switching to another app.”

The company knew they had to act on this feedback, so they overhauled their whole support setup, hired more reps, and cut down response times. After replying to these bad reviews, customers saw the better service. New reviews raved about the quicker responses, and the app's overall rating went up.

  • Inspires product innovation
    Bad reviews can actually help you make your product better. We had a fitness app client that got a negative review saying, "The app is cool, but there's no meal tracking. I can't get the full results without it." They knew this was coming, so they added meal tracking in the very next update. Then they replied to the bad reviews with, "We heard you and added meal tracking! Thanks for helping us improve the app." This new feature made users happier and increased sales too.

Responding to negative reviews helps your brand grow—shocker! It builds trust, uncovers problems, improves customer service, and even drives innovation if you listen well.

But what if you ignore it all?

The consequences of ignoring negative reviews

Do bad reviews hurt business? Absolutely.

Ignoring bad reviews will hurt your business. Period. When you don't respond to complaints, you're telling customers you don't care. Here's what happens:

  • Loss of potential customers
    87% of people avoid businesses with bad ratings. No response? They'll assume you're useless and go elsewhere.
  • Decreased sales
    Bad reviews cost you money. Bump up your rating by one star, and you could see a 5-9% increase in revenue. Ignore reviews? Kiss that money goodbye.
  • Damage to brand reputation
    Silence lets bad reviews define you. Good luck getting new customers when everyone thinks your app is bad.
  • Lower search engine rankings
    Pile up enough ignored bad reviews, and Google will bury you. No visibility means no customers.
  • Impact on employee morale
    Unanswered criticism demoralizes your team. They'll think you don't care about them or the business, and their work will suffer.

So, not replying to bad reviews hurts your reputation, sales, and even your team. Not good. What do you do? Here’s what:

Maximize productivity while automatically responding to 100% of your user reviews in any language

responding to bad reviews - appfollow auto tags
  • Cut the manual work. Make machines handle review replies. Sort by store, stars, location, or buzzwords. Let bots flag junk and nasty stuff.
  • Stop guessing. Use dashboards to see hard numbers on support team performance and if your strategy's working.
  • Let AI do the talking. It'll spit out replies that sound like your company—minus the human errors and delays.


10 tips on how to respond to negative reviews

So, here’s a request we’ve come across: “Which three tips are suggested for dealing with negative customer feedback?”.

But why three only? We’ve gathered 10! Top 10 insights on how to respond to bad reviews. Each is tested by the AppFollow team and clients. Let’s break it down by looking at what businesses often include when responding to negative feedback.

Image source.

So, you're looking for the right words or ways to handle tricky feedback. Lucky you! These tips will help you create the perfect response to a negative review. Enjoy!

1. Start with a Greeting

Don't use fake names when replying to bad reviews. Keep it simple. Start with "Hello" or "Dear customer." Skip the weird usernames like "Jo74." It looks more professional and saves you from looking silly.

2. Thank the Reviewer for Their Feedback

Thank the reviewer. Always. Good or bad, doesn't matter. It shows you're listening. Try these:

  • “Thank you for your review.”
  • “Thanks for letting us know about your experience.”
  • “We hear you—thanks!”

3. Apologize for Any Negative Experience

Say sorry, even if you think they're wrong. Show you care about their bad time.

Try these:

  • “We’re sorry to hear our service didn’t meet your expectations.”
  • “We messed up—sorry! We’ll do better next time, it’s a promise.”
  • “We set high standards for ourselves, and we regret we didn’t meet them in your case.”

4. Rephrase the Positive Before Addressing the Negative

Find one good thing they said before tackling the bad stuff. It takes the edge off. Like this:

If they liked your app's look but hated how slow it was:

"Good to hear the app looks nice. Sorry it's running like a turtle. We're on it." No need to get fancy. Just show you actually read their review.

5. Sign with Your Name

Put a real name at the end. It proves a human wrote this, not a robot. Like:

  • "- Brian and crew"
  • "- John Doe, Head of Support"

Skip the fancy sign-offs. Just show there's an actual person behind the reply.

6. Offer Face-to-Face or Offline Mediation

Some problems need fixing in private. Tell them to call or email you directly. Shows you mean business. Like this:

  • "Call us at [Phone Number] or email [Email Address]. Let's sort this out."
  • "Want to talk more? Hit us up at [Email Address]."

Do this stuff, and you might just turn their gripes into good vibes. Or at least stop them from trashing you online.

7. ​​Ask for a Second Chance

Don't let it end there. Ask them to try again. Show them you're not a quitter. Try this:

"Give us another shot. Call support or hit me up directly. We'll do better this time." No frills. Just straight talk about fixing things.

8. Responding in a Timely Manner

Responding to customer feedback quickly is critical for maintaining a strong online reputation. When someone leaves a review, especially a negative review, they expect a prompt response.

53.3% of customers expect a reply within 7 days. But from my team’s experience, ideally, you should reply within 48 hours.

You're swamped. No time to babysit review sites. Use tools like AppFollow. They ping you when new reviews drop.

negative review examples - action

An example of a customer review alert on your email.

No more wasting time checking sites. Faster replies. Clock's ticking once that review hits. Customers aren't going to wait around.

9. Assign Ownership of the Process

Pick someone to handle bad reviews. Could be marketing, ops, social media, or customer service. Maybe a branch manager or customer service rep.

Whoever's in charge needs to know:

  • How each review site works
  • How to turn gripes into useful info
  • How to deal with complaints without making your brand look bad

Don't leave this to chance. Get someone on it who knows what they're doing.

10. Create a Policy on How To Respond To Reviews

Got multiple stores? You need one playbook for reviews. Keeps everyone on the same page, good or bad.

Your rulebook should cover:

  • How to talk (tone, words)
  • When to answer (don't drag your feet)
  • Who to call when things blow up
  • How to spread the word inside the company

No winging it. Everyone follows the same rules.

Read also: 13 Examples On How To Get More App Reviews In 2025 [Copy/Paste Templates].

43 negative reviews response examples

You’re not always going to feel creative enough to make a unique reply to every user comment. We’ve covered responses to positive reviews before, and now it’s time for ready-made examples to respond to negative feedback.

Obviously, how you respond to negative reviews will vary from case to case. But think of the examples we’ve collected from AppFollow customers as templates—solid starting points that you can tweak depending on the situation.

So, here are your 43 negative review examples and templates to reply to them.

‍Generic Replies to Negative User Comments

Example 1 - App Crashes Frequently

Review: "This app crashes constantly. It's useless!"

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], sorry about the crashes. We know how frustrating that can be. We're working on a fix as we speak! Keep an eye out for our next update, and thanks for your patience."

Example 2 - Complicated Interface

Review: "I can't figure out how to use this app. It’s too complicated."

Response: "Hey [Reviewer], we’re bummed to hear the app isn’t as user-friendly as it should be. We're always looking for ways to simplify things. In the meantime, check out our help section—it might make things smoother. Thanks for the feedback!"

Example 3 - Slow Load Times

Review: "This app takes forever to load. I'm about to give up."

Response: "Hey [Reviewer], that’s frustrating for sure! Slow load times are not what we aim for. Our team is already on it to speed things up. Hang in there! We’ll let you know once it’s fixed."

Example 4 - Bad customer service reviews

Review: "I contacted customer support through the app, but they were rude and unhelpful."

Response: "Hey [Reviewer], that’s not the kind of support we aim to provide—we're really sorry you had this experience. We’re taking a closer look at what happened to make sure it doesn’t happen again. In the meantime, we’d love to make it up to you with a complimentary service. Feel free to reach out at [contact info] to chat further. Thanks for the feedback!"

Example 5 - App's Customer Service Response Too Slow

Review: "I contacted customer support through the app, and it took ages to get a response. Super frustrating!"

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], sorry about the long wait—we know how annoying that can be. We’re working on speeding things up so you get faster help. Let’s make it up to you with a little something on us. Contact [contact info], and we’ll sort it out. Thanks for your patience!"

Responding to negative reviews related to the price

Example 6 - App Pricing Feels Too High

Review: "The prices in this app are way too high! I feel like I got overcharged."

Sample response to such negative comments: "Hey [Reviewer], we’re really sorry to hear that our pricing didn’t meet your expectations. We aim to keep things fair, but we understand it might not always feel that way. As a thank you for your feedback, we’d love to offer you a discount on your next purchase. Contact us at [contact info], and we’ll get it sorted!"

Example 7 - Hidden Fees in the App

Review: "I was frustrated to find hidden fees in this app. It feels like they were trying to trick me."

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], we never want anyone to feel misled by fees—that’s not our intention. We’ll review our pricing transparency to make things clearer. Let’s make this right by refunding those extra fees. Please contact us at [contact info], and we’ll get it sorted. Thanks for letting us know!"

Example 8 - Incorrect Billing on the App

Review: "I was billed incorrectly, and it’s been a nightmare trying to fix it through the app." Response: "Hey [Reviewer], billing issues are a hassle, and we’re sorry for the inconvenience. Let’s fix this ASAP! Please contact us at [contact info], and we’ll apply a credit toward your next bill. Thanks for sharing—we’ll use this feedback to improve."

Tools & Utilities

Example 9 - Battery Drain

Review: "This app drains my battery like crazy."

Replying to a negative review: "Hey [Reviewer], sorry about the battery drain! We’re optimizing things on our end to make sure your phone stays powered longer. Thanks for flagging this!"

Example 10 - Doesn’t Sync Properly

Review: "The tool doesn’t sync with my other devices as advertised. I need something reliable."

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], sorry the sync feature didn’t work as expected. That’s on us. We’ll get it sorted. Could you share more details at [contact info]? We want to fix it for you!"

Example 11 - Too Many Ads

Review: "I can barely use the app with all the ads popping up."

How to respond to such a negative review example: "Hey [Reviewer], we hear you. Ads shouldn’t be in the way of your experience. We’ll look into reducing them. Thanks for your feedback—we really appreciate it!"

Responding to bad reviews in Gaming

Example 12 - Pay-to-Win Features

Review: "The game is fun, but it’s all pay-to-win. Unfair!"

Response to bad review example: "Hi [Reviewer], we get it—pay-to-win can be frustrating. We're working on balancing things to make sure everyone can enjoy the game. Thanks for pointing this out!"

Example 13 - In-Game Bugs

Review: "There are so many bugs! Characters disappear, and the game freezes."

Bad review response: "Hey [Reviewer], sorry you ran into these bugs. Our team’s already hunting them down. Stick with us, and we’ll have them squashed soon!"

Example 14 - Unresponsive Controls

Review: "The controls are so unresponsive. It makes the game unplayable."

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], that’s not good! We want smooth gameplay for everyone. We're investigating the control issues now and will patch things up ASAP."

How finance companies respond to negative reviews

Example 15 - Payment Errors

Review: "I tried to make a payment, and it failed multiple times."

How to respond bad review: "Hey [Reviewer], sorry about the payment issues! We’re working on getting this sorted. Please reach out to us at [contact info], and we’ll make sure to help you ASAP."

Example 16 - App Freezes During Transactions

Review: "The app froze when I was transferring money. I’m worried my transaction didn’t go through."

Response: "Hey [Reviewer], freezing during a transfer sounds stressful—we’re sorry about that! We’re looking into it. Please contact us at [contact info] so we can check on your transaction."


Example 17 - Late Delivery

Review: "My order was delivered a week late, and I wasn’t even updated."

Bad review response template: "Hi [Reviewer], we’re really sorry for the delay. That’s not the experience we aim for. We’ll check into why there was no update. Reach out to us, and we’ll make this right!"

Example 18 - Wrong Item Sent

Review: "I received the wrong product! Very disappointed."

Reply to bad review: "Hey [Reviewer], yikes! That’s not what we want at all. Let’s fix this right away. Please contact us at [contact info], and we’ll sort it out."

Example 19 - Low-Quality Product

Review: "The quality of the item I received was terrible. Not as advertised."

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], we’re sorry the item didn’t meet your expectations. Let’s get you a replacement or a refund. Contact us at [contact info], and we’ll take care of it."

‍Example 20 - Limited Product Selection in the App:

Review: "I was disappointed with the limited options in this app. It didn’t have what I needed."

Response: "Hey [Reviewer], we’re sorry the app didn’t have the product you wanted. We’re always working to expand our selection, and your feedback helps us improve. As a thank you, we’d love to offer you a discount on your next purchase. Keep an eye out—new items are coming soon! If you need anything specific, please reach out at [contact info]."


Example 21 - Streaming Buffering

Review: "The video keeps buffering. I can’t watch anything!"

How to respond to such negative customer feedback: "Hey [Reviewer], buffering issues are the worst! We're optimizing our servers to make things run smoother. Thanks for letting us know—we’re on it."

Example 22 - Subscription Cancellation Issues

Review: "I tried canceling my subscription, but the app won’t let me."

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], sorry you’re having trouble canceling. We’ll make sure this gets sorted for you. Please reach out at [contact info], and we’ll immediately assist."

Example 23 - Content Not Available

Review: "The show I wanted to watch wasn’t available in my region. Very disappointing."

Response: "Hey [Reviewer], we understand your frustration about regional content limitations. We're working on expanding availability. Thanks for sharing your feedback!"


Example 24 - Incorrect Health Data

Review: "The app shows inaccurate health data. Not helpful!"

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], we apologize for the incorrect readings. We’ll review the issue to ensure more accurate results going forward. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!"

Example 25 - Missing Features

Review: "I bought this app for its meal tracking, but the feature isn’t available."

Response: "Hey [Reviewer], sorry for the confusion! The meal tracking feature should be available—let’s fix this. Please reach out to us at [contact info], and we’ll help you out."

Example 26 - Notifications Not Working

Review: "The app doesn’t send me the reminders I set up."

How to respond to such negative feedback from customer: "Hi [Reviewer], we hear you. Reminders should be working perfectly. We’ll check into this and get it fixed. Thanks for letting us know!"


Example 27 - Signal Issues

Review: "My calls keep dropping, and the signal is weak."

Response: "Hey [Reviewer], we’re sorry for the spotty signal. We’re upgrading our network, so this shouldn’t be a problem for long. Thanks for your patience!"

Example 28 - Data Overcharges

Review: "I was charged for data I didn’t use. This is unfair!"

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], sorry about the overcharge—that’s not right. Please contact us at [contact info], and we’ll review the charges to make sure it’s fixed."


Example 29 - Missing Order

Review: "My order never arrived. What’s going on?"

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], we’re really sorry about the missing order! Let’s sort this out right away. Please contact us at [contact info], and we’ll track it down for you."

Example 30 - Damaged Package

Review: "My package arrived damaged. Very disappointing."

How to respond to a bad review: "Hey [Reviewer], that’s not the delivery experience we want for you. Let’s get you a replacement. Please contact us at [contact info] to resolve this."

Example 31 - Delivery Delay

Review: "My delivery was late, and I wasn’t even notified."

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], sorry for the delay and lack of updates. We’re working on improving our notification system. Thanks for sharing—we’ll make this right!"


Example 32 - Driver Was Rude

Review: "The driver was really rude and unprofessional."

Response: "Hey [Reviewer], we’re sorry you had a negative experience with one of our drivers. We’ll address this with them directly. Let’s make it right—contact us at [contact info]."

Example 33 - Ride Overcharged

Review: "I was charged way more than estimated. Unacceptable!"

How to respond to a bad review: "Hi [Reviewer], that’s not how it should work! We’ll review your ride charges and refund any overcharges. Thanks for letting us know!"

Example 34 - Long Wait Time

Review: "I waited 30 minutes for my taxi to show up."

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], sorry about the long wait. That’s definitely not the experience we aim for. We’ll investigate what went wrong. Thanks for your feedback!"


Example 35 - Account Got Hacked

Review: "My account was hacked, and I lost everything."

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], we’re sorry you experienced this. Security is our top priority. Please contact us at [contact info], and we’ll help recover your account."

Example 36 - Unwanted Ads

Review: "Too many ads in my feed. It’s annoying!"

Response: "Hey [Reviewer], we get it—ads can be frustrating. We’re tweaking our ad system to make them less intrusive. Thanks for your patience!"

Example 37 - Account Suspension Without Notice

Review: "My account was suspended for no reason, and I didn’t get notified."

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], that doesn’t sound right. Please reach out to us at [contact info], and we’ll look into your account status ASAP."


Example 38 - Flight Delay

Review: "My flight was delayed for hours with no explanation."

Response: "Hey [Reviewer], we’re really sorry about the delay. We’ll check into why you weren’t notified. Please reach out to us, and we’ll make it right!"

Example 39 - Overbooked Hotel

Review: "The hotel I booked was overbooked, and I had nowhere to stay."

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], we’re sorry about the booking issue. Let’s sort this out together. Contact us at [contact info], and we’ll make sure you’re compensated."

Example 40 - Bad Customer Service at Airport

Review: "I had a bad experience with customer service at the airport."

Respond to bad review: "Hi [Reviewer], we’re sorry to hear that. We’ll address this with the airport staff. Please share more details at [contact info], and we’ll follow up."


Example 41 - Limited Features or Resources in the App

Review: "The learning resources in this app are outdated and lacking. It's holding me back from properly advancing in my studies."

Response reviewer's comment: "Hey [Reviewer], we’re really sorry the app's resources didn’t meet your expectations. We want to help you grow, not hold you back! Our team is already looking into updating content and adding new features. Thanks for your feedback—it’s super valuable to us. In the meantime, feel free to contact us directly if there’s anything specific you'd like to see improved."

Example 42 - Boring and Ineffective Lessons

Review: "The lessons on this app are boring and don't help me learn effectively. I expected better."

Response: "Hi [Reviewer], we’re sorry the lessons didn’t engage you as they should. Learning should be fun and effective! We’ll pass this feedback to our content team to make sure the materials get a refresh. If you have suggestions or need help with a specific topic, drop us at [contact info]—we’d love to chat and help!"

Example 43 - Lack of Communication or Updates

Review: "I never get updates or notifications about new lessons or improvements. The app feels disconnected."

How to respond to a bad review: "Hey [Reviewer], thanks for sharing your experience. We’re sorry you feel disconnected from the app—that’s not what we want. We’re improving our notifications and communication, so you’re always in the loop with new content. Feel free to contact [contact info] with any specific requests or feedback. We appreciate your thoughts!"‍

Why shouldn't you respond to negative reviews immediately?

When you get a bad review, your first instinct might be to reply immediately. But here’s the problem—instant reactions are usually emotional. If you reply while you’re still upset, you might sound defensive—that’s no bueno. This can worsen things, turning a small issue into a much bigger one. Instead, take a breath. A big one! Let the initial sting fade before you make your move.

  • Pause before you hit send
    Don't rush to respond to bad reviews. Acting on impulse when you're upset will backfire. Take a breather and let your emotions settle. A level-headed reply beats an angry rant any day. Deal with negative feedback once you've got a clear head.
  • Avoid a bad buzz
    Brands get torn apart online for lousy responses to bad reviews. One stupid reply can go viral fast. Don't let your company be the next embarrassing example plastered all over social media. Cool off, think it through, and write a response that's not defensive.
  • Think it through
    Got a bad review? Don't jump the gun. Take a beat and think it through. Huddle with your team if you need to. Don't waste time with empty apologies. Focus on fixing the problem. A smart, strategic answer can flip the script and win over potential customers. Use your head, not your emotions.
  • Protect your reputation
    Your response to a bad review shows what your brand's really made of. Lash out? You'll look like a jerk. Stay cool and reply smart? That's how pros do it. The goal isn't to win an argument. It's to show you're not a bunch of people who don't care. Fix the trust, don't make it worse. Proving you're right doesn't matter. Proving you care does.

So, next time you get a negative review, take a pause. Think. Then, respond to negative comments like the pro you are.‍

How to automate responding to a negative review

By using customer review management software that allows you to aggregate, analyze, automate, and reply to app reviews with the help of AI. That’s how!

For example, by automating review replies with AppFollow, TurboVPN experienced a 2x boost in response speed and saved 2680 hours of support team time each month.

How? Here is a quick guide:

1️⃣ Start by setting up alerts to get notified when a bad review comes in.

2️⃣ Use AI to craft responses. The AI generates personalized replies based on the review.

3️⃣ For common issues, customize pre-made templates to keep your responses professional.

4️⃣ Manage all reviews in one dashboard across platforms like the App Store, Google Play, and Amazon.

5️⃣ Track your results by monitoring response time and customer satisfaction to improve your review management.

Let AppFollow manage your app reputation for you!


Final Thoughts

When you answer bad reviews, potential customers are eyeballing your every word. Don't be mean to them. Show you actually care about feedback and want to make things right.

One lousy review won't kill you. It's how you deal with it that matters.

After all, bad reviews happen. They're not a death sentence. Focus on the folks who actually like what you're selling. You hooked them, didn't you? Keep doing that. Let the haters walk (only after trying everything to convert them to the gospel that is your beautiful app).

Bottom line: Use bad reviews to get better, not to chase some fantasy of perfection.

FAQ on how to deal with negative feedback

How to respond to a bad review?

First, take a deep breath. Start by acknowledging the issue and apologizing—yes, even if it wasn’t entirely your fault. Then, offer a genuine solution and ask if they’d be willing to discuss further. Trust me, responding to negative reviews like this shows you're listening and committed to improving.

What should a company not do when handling negative posts?

Rule number one: don’t argue. Trust me, getting defensive will only make things worse. Never ignore the review either. The goal is to show you’re open to feedback, so always stay professional and focus on making things right.

How to respond to negative Google reviews?

Thank them for their review (even if it’s tough), apologize for the experience, and then explain how you’re addressing the issue. Keep it polite, to the point, and solution-focused. The key is to show you care without sounding robotic.

How to reply to a negative Yelp review?

Start by acknowledging their feedback, apologize if needed, and let them know you’re working on it. Yelp is a public space, so always offer to take the conversation offline for further resolution. A well-handled response to negative feedback can even turn a critic into a fan.

How do negative reviews impact a business?

They can hit hard. Not only do they lower trust, but they can impact sales if left unchecked. However, how negative reviews affect your business depends on how you respond. A quick, thoughtful response can minimize damage and even win back some customers.

List at least three good ways for businesses to respond to negative customer feedback

  • Sincerely apologize for the bad experience, even if it’s not entirely your fault.
  • Thank the customer for their feedback—seriously, it helps!
  • Offer a solution or next steps to resolve the issue.

What should a company not do when handling negative posts on online review sites?

Don’t get defensive, don’t argue, and definitely don’t ignore it. Deleting reviews? Big no. Always address the issue professionally, even if the review feels unfair.

How to respond to a bad review when the customer is wrong?

Correct them politely, using facts. But still, acknowledge their feelings. Something like, “I see how this could’ve been frustrating” goes a long way. It’s all about balancing facts with empathy.

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