What Is Review Management: Ultimate Guide To Managing App Store Reviews

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Olivia Doboaca
What Is Review Management: Ultimate Guide To Managing App Store Reviews

Table of Content:

  1. What are app store reviews?
  2. What is an app review management?
  3. Why are app store reviews important?
  4. The best hacks on how to get app store ratings and reviews
    • 1️. Prioritize quality and testing
    • 2. Ask at the right time
    • 3️. Try other channels
    • 4️. Engage!
    • 5️. Use ethical incentives
    • 6. Regular updates
  5. How to manage online reviews: App Store and Google Play review guidelines
    • Positive play store review response examples
    • How to respond to negative reviews
  6. App store review analysis
    • 1. Download App Store reviews
    • 2. Scrape App Store reviews for insights
    • 3. Categorize feedback
    • 4. Fix common issues
    • 5. Engage by responding to reviews
    • 6. Avoid paid reviews
  7. How to remove spam and fake app reviews in the App Store and Google Play
  8. The best review management software
    • FAQ on App Store review management

Ultimate Guide On App Store Review Management In 2025

You've developed a mobile game, and it’s out in the world. Now what?

The feedback loop begins.

77% of users read at least one review before downloading a free app, and 79% consider an app’s rating before downloading.​

Your app store reviews directly affect its visibility and user trust. Review management is an absolute must. If you fail to respond to reviews, avoid analyzing feedback, and ignore negative reviews, it can all cost you potential downloads. And users. And money. So what do you do to make sure it doesn’t happen? You read this!

This guide will help you avoid these pitfalls—this is your ultimate guide on app review management. Get more app store reviews and learn how to analyze them, the works. We’ll cover each aspect to make sure your mobile game reaches its full potential. Let’s go!

What are app store reviews?

App reviews are like a friendly chat where users tell you what they think about your app. Well, not always, of course, sometimes all hell breaks loose and people are raging. But that’s life! Whether they love your app, hate it, or find it "meh," they’ll leave a rating and write a little story. On platforms like the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, these reviews are public—anyone interested in your app can read them. A blessing and a curse—if you don’t do things well, everyone’s going to see how bad your app is. The opposite is also true.

Here is how it works, and it won’t be a revelation, exactly.

Imagine this: you’re considering downloading an app, but before downloading, you check out what others have said. And after using an app you may want to share your experience too, just like these users of the Duolingo app on Google Play:

app store reviews - google play

Users' feedback on what’s good, what’s bad, and what’s buggy gives developers super useful insights into what needs improvement. They can also tell everyone about every single shortcoming they can think of.

Good reviews can (and will) help boost your app’s rankings in the store. If people are reading positive feedback and downloading your app, it indirectly tells the store algorithms that your app is worth recommending. Boom, your app’s visibility and ranking improve.

Or again, the opposite.

App reviews are not just feedback. There are many different metrics that the app stores themselves take into account when the algorithms decide if your app should go up, or not. They’re the key to your app’s success. Thus, we recommend that you pay attention to every review that comes in if you can. Yes, that involves more than 1-2 star reviews.

How are app store reviews different from app store ratings?

App store reviews and app store ratings might seem the same, but they’re not. While users see both on the app store, they offer different types of feedback.

mobile app reviews - rating and review difference
  • Ratings are just numbers—simple star ratings from one to five with little feedback. They give a snapshot of how users feel about your app. For example, if you see a 4.8 out of 5 rating on an app like MyDeal, that's the average score over time. A rating is both the sum, and the simple review itself.
  • Reviews, though, go deeper. These are written comments where users share what they loved or hated. Bugs? Great features? Suggestions? You’ll find all that in the reviews. Developers like you can reply to reviews and dispense responses, advice, and banter at will—all app stores have that functionality at their base.

So, ratings = the big picture, while reviews give you the details. Both matter, but reviews help you understand what’s really going on with your app.

Next, let's talk about app review management and how to handle all this feedback, especially if you’re lucky (or not so much?) to have tons of it coming in at the same time.

What is an app review management?

In scientific terms (trust me, I am a doctor probably), app review management is actively monitoring, responding to, and improving user feedback in app store reviews. That is, managing app store ratings and reviews to build a positive image for your app. Boost its rankings. Increase user engagement. Earn tons of money because your users love it. This very act is also how you get product feedback to be used in improving your app.

For instance, someone says the big button stinks, it keeps getting pressed by accident. You make it smaller. Now people complain they can’t hit it when they want to. You know, the joys of app development—finding that sweet spot until it no longer matters because you fixed the issue properly.

Let me share another example.

One time, an AppFollow client noticed a sudden drop in app’s rating on the Play Store. A flood of 1-star reviews came in, all complaining about a new feature we added.

Their team analyzed the reviews and realized there was a major bug.

Immediate fix, replying to the negative reviews, explaining the fix…they managed to stop the rating from dropping further. Once the bug was fixed, the app got some users updating their reviews to 4 and 5 stars. Victory! All it takes is a bit of well-timed attention. Users are confirmed to be cats.

App Review Management vs. Reputation Management

Here’s another conundrum! What’s the difference? App review management and reputation management are related but not the same. App review management focuses on app stores—app store ratings and reviews, and that the app maintains a good rating and reputation within these platforms. It’s a more direct approach where you engage with feedback on a regular basis.

Reputation management, on the other hand, covers the broader picture. It includes your brand image across all platforms—social media, websites, and beyond. While reviews are part of it, reputation management also involves handling any negative press or mentions that could affect your brand’s image overall.

App store reviews matter. Deal with feedback quickly. Fix your app when users complain. it's about not looking like you don't care. Handle reviews daily. Manage your reputation constantly. Slack off on either, and watch your app tank. Simple as that. Here’s your new mantra to live by!

Why are app store reviews important?

Let’s start with a real-world case.

In September 2021, Genshin Impact faced a flood of negative app store reviews. Players were unhappy with updates, new characters, and poor anniversary rewards. They took their frustration straight to the app store, leaving 1-star reviews on the Play Store and Apple App Store.

This tanked the game’s ratings below 3 stars.

application reviews

Addressing player concerns helped the developers improve the game, and its rating is now 4.2, with over 4 million downloads. Small print: Google and Apple also helped curb the massive brigading that happened, but we don’t talk about that. What the developers did stabilized this situation, and this is the whole point.

This case tells the story of why managing app store reviews is something you can’t skip.

Genshin Impact has made an excellent recovery all-in-all. They sure take their time with answers, but it’s better than nothing. The game is currently at a 4.2 rating with 4 mln.+ downloads.

Why Do Reviews Matter?

  • Decision-making
    App store reviews are a major factor in whether someone downloads your app. Around 82% of consumers read reviews before making a decision. High ratings and positive reviews give users confidence, while negative reviews make them hesitate. Truth of the world! It’s social proof, plain and simple.
  • App discoverability
    Higher ratings and great reviews boost your app's ranking in search results on the Play Store and App Store. More visibility = more downloads.
  • Feedback for devs
    Reviews point out bugs, suggest upgrades, and spark new ideas. Fix what users complain about and watch your app soar. Again, look at Genshin Impact—they fixed their stuff based on feedback, and boom—ratings and downloads shot up. Ignore user gripes at your own peril.
  • Conversion rates
    Better ratings = higher conversion. A well-managed app store review section can (ah, WILL!) lead to better keyword rankings and improved conversion rates. Users are more likely to download an app with lots of 5-star ratings.
  • Social proof
    Positive feedback builds trust with potential users (if you haven’t surmised that yet). And when you respond to negative reviews, it shows you care. 9 out of 10 people read reviews before taking action, so having good reviews helps drive customer acquisition.

Application reviews are the penultimate part of app success. Boosting visibility, driving conversions, or gathering valuable insights—-proper review management can make or break your app’s performance. Don’t underestimate the power of app store game reviews.

The best hacks on how to get app store ratings and reviews

From my experience, I’ve seen firsthand how effective app review management can boost your app’s rankings. Reviews don’t just happen—they’re the result of a strategy. Here’s how you can get more app store user reviews.

1️. Prioritize quality and testing

Before asking for Apple App Store reviews, make sure your app is solid. Thoroughly test it, especially for iOS app reviews. Bugs are obviously the fastest way to get negative feedback. The smoother your app runs, the more likely users will leave a good mobile app review.

2. Ask at the right time

Timing is everything. You don’t want to ask users for reviews when they’ve just started using your app. Wait for the right moment—after they’ve completed a level or achieved something in your app. This increases the chances of getting a positive Apple Store review.

3️. Try other channels

Don’t limit yourself to in-app prompts. Go for Apple App Store review submissions through emails, social media, or even influencers. Make sure you provide a direct link to the app store review page.

4️. Engage!

One key to app review management is responding to feedback, especially negative reviews. I’ve seen clients turn bad ratings into positive ones just by addressing user concerns quickly. This shows you care and boosts your app’s reputation.

5️. Use ethical incentives

Don't bribe users for reviews—it's against the rules. Instead, make your app and service so good that people want to leave positive reviews. Focus on the user experience and customer support. If you do it right, the good reviews will come naturally.

6. Regular updates

Pay attention to your App Store reviews and actually do something about them. Update your app based on what users are saying. It proves you care about improving. I saw a client's rating jump from 3 to 4.5 stars just by listening to feedback and making changes. Users notice when you respond to their gripes.

Oh and by the way, this quick guide covers the basics, but for deeper insights on app store review management, explore more advanced strategies in our guide—13 clever examples on how to ask for app reviews [copy/paste templates].

How to manage online reviews: App Store and Google Play review guidelines

Don't ignore your app reviews—they can make or break you. iOS or Google Play, doesn't matter. I've seen it with AppFollow clients: be consistent and engage, or you're in for it.

Here's how to handle both platforms without dropping the ball:

Pro tips for both platforms ✨

  • Ask for app store reviews at the right moment. Whether on iOS or Google Play, prompt users after they’ve had a positive experience—like completing a task or hitting a milestone. Ask too early and they will uninstall—oops!
  • Regularly monitor app store reviews using app review services. Stay updated on iOS reviews and Google Play reviews to spot patterns. If multiple users point out the same issue, address it fast!
  • Engage with users by responding to reviews, especially negative ones. This shows you’re active and care about improving. Both platforms display public reviews, so your response impacts all users, not just the one leaving the review.
  • Both Apple and Google provide in-app review APIs. Prompt users when they’re most engaged and avoid spamming them with too many requests.
  • Avoid fake or paid reviews. Both Google App Store reviews and iOS app store reviews have strict guidelines against manipulated feedback. Authenticity builds trust over time, —that’s how you get better app store management.
  • Reviews offer valuable insights. Use them to improve your app. For example, a client of mine revamped their UI based on feedback, and their ratings improved. Always analyze app store user reviews for ways to make updates.
  • Let users know their reviews matter. A quick in-app message or email reminder can boost review numbers. Many users don’t realize how much their feedback helps in app review management. And why would they? They’re users. So throw them a bone—a nice little bonus for leaving a review.

Positive play store review response examples

Answering good reviews isn't a cakewalk. Don't just copy-paste the same stuff—users aren't daft. They'll notice if you're phoning it in. And yeah, it's a pain in the behind to come up with new ways to say "thanks" after the 50th 5-star review, but we can all do something about it. From years of AppFollow work, I can tell you: make users feel like you actually care about their praise. Keep it real and interesting, or don't bother.

Here are some of my favorite templates for responding to positive reviews:

  • "Thanks for the love! ???? We’re so glad to hear that [specific feature] is working well for you! Keep enjoying the app, and feel free to reach out if you have any suggestions. We’re always improving thanks to awesome users like you!"
    This response makes the user feel valued and encourages them to share suggestions, keeping the conversation open.
  • "Wow, your feedback made our day! ???? We’ve put a lot of heart into making [app name], and it’s great to know it’s paying off for our users. Don’t hesitate to let us know how we can make it even better for you."
    By acknowledging their positive feedback, you subtly emphasize that their opinion truly matters.
  • "We’re thrilled you love [app name]! ???? Every 5-star review reminds us why we do what we do. Don’t be a stranger if you need anything—we’re always here to help."
    This is a simple but warm response that highlights customer support availability.
  • "Thank you for your kind words! ???? It’s users like you who make all the hard work worthwhile. Keep enjoying the app, and don’t hesitate to share any ideas for improvement!"
    Offering appreciation while asking for suggestions keeps users engaged long-term.
  • "Five stars! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ You’re amazing, and we’re grateful for your support. Stay tuned—more exciting updates are coming soon to make your experience even better!"
    This one is playful, with a hint of excitement about future updates.

If you’re looking for even more ideas, we have 50 Positive Review Response Examples [Copy and Paste] article for you to grab the goodies off of. Enjoy!

How to respond to negative reviews

Don't sweat the bad reviews too much, but take them seriously. A good response can work wonders—I've seen angry users turn into rapidly spinning fans. The trick? Acknowledge the issue, apologize if you messed up, and offer a real solution. Skip the fluff and focus on fixing the problem.

what is review management - review examples

Image source.

Here are three examples of effective responses to negative app store app reviews:

  • "Hi [User], we’re sorry to hear about your experience with [specific feature]! ???? We’ve passed this on to our team, and we’re working on a fix. In the meantime, could you reach out to us at [support email]? We’d love to get more details and ensure it’s resolved for you."
    This shows the user that their feedback is being taken seriously and opens the door to direct support.
  • "We appreciate your honest feedback, [User]. It sounds like we missed the mark this time, and we’re genuinely sorry. Our team is already looking into this, and we’re committed to improving [feature]. Thanks for helping us get better!"
    Admitting fault and thanking the user can help de-escalate frustration, turning a negative experience into a constructive interaction.
  • "Thanks for bringing this to our attention, [User]. We’re always striving to improve, and your feedback is incredibly helpful. We’d like to make things right—could you email us at [support email] so we can investigate the issue further?"
    This response demonstrates willingness to resolve the issue and invites the user to have a private conversation to find a solution.

Thoughtfully handling negative app store reviews can have a good impact on your app’s reputation.

App store review analysis

Analyzing app store ratings and reviews is essential for improving your app’s performance and driving more downloads. Here’s a straightforward way to handle it:

1. Download App Store reviews

Collect all reviews in one place. Use tools that allow you to download app store reviews from both the Apple App Store and Google Play.

2. Scrape App Store reviews for insights

Look for recurring themes in the reviews, like bugs or feature requests. Scraping reviews helps you identify these patterns and do something about them.

3. Categorize feedback

Sort the feedback into positive, negative, and neutral categories. This will give you a clear understanding of what’s working well and what needs improvement. Many tools allow you to create filters to easily organize and respond to reviews based on sentiment.

4. Fix common issues

Track repeated complaints about performance or bugs. Address these problems in your next update. Quick fixes show users you care about their experience. That’s all you have to do!

5. Engage by responding to reviews

Engage with all your reviews—good and bad. It shows users you're paying attention. Be consistent about it too. It shows newcomers you're on top of things. When people see you actively managing reviews, it builds trust. They'll think, "These folks actually care what users think."

6. Avoid paid reviews

Once again, resist the temptation of using paid reviews. Both Apple and Google are strict about prohibiting such practices. Focus on building a real connection with users and encourage authentic feedback instead.

How to remove spam and fake app reviews in the App Store and Google Play

Dealing with fake or spam reviews is a pain, but it's part of the game. We've helped tons of clients tackle this mess. Trust me, it sucks when your string of 5-stars gets ruined by some random BS comment or a fake rating that tanks your score.

Some of our AppFollow folks have dealt with real doozies—like people ranting about stuff that has nothing to do with the app. And yeah, we've caught competitors trying to sabotage apps with fake bad reviews. Real classy, huh?

It's a hassle, but you've gotta stay on top of it. Don't let the spammers and fakers drag your app's rep through the mud.

Here’s a quick guide to dealing with these unpleasant reviews:

  • Identify: look for signs like irrelevant comments, identical reviews posted across different apps, or a sudden influx of similar negative ratings.
  • Report:
    • AS: go to App Store Connect and locate the review under Ratings and Reviews. You can flag the review as "Inappropriate" or report it directly.
    • GP: use the Google Play Console, find the offending review, and flag it for violating Google’s policies. Or use AppFollow for either of them to flag reviews like that automatically.
  • Provide evidence: when submitting your report, be as detailed as possible. Mention why the review is suspicious, providing screenshots or patterns if applicable.

For more insights on handling fake or spam reviews, check out our guide ???? How to remove spam reviews in the App Store and Google Play.

The best review management software

When choosing the best review management software, you’ll want to focus on a few key features that make your life easier. Here’s what we think you should look for:

  • Multi-platform integration. Your software should pull reviews from different platforms—Amazon, Google Play, App Store, etc.—so you can manage everything in one place.
  • Automated responses. Look for software that can automate replies for common review types. Save yourself the trouble of doing it yourself!
  • Sentiment analysis. This feature helps you quickly understand user feedback by highlighting common themes in positive and negative reviews.
  • Custom alerts. You’ll want to get notified about certain reviews—like 1-star or 5-star ratings—so you can prioritize your response.
  • Reporting and analytics. A good tool provides detailed reports on trends, review volumes, and even competitor analysis to track how your app or product is performing in the market.

For a detailed breakdown of the best tools we tested, including features, pricing, and user feedback, check out our full review article ???? Reviews of Top 12 Best Customer Review Management Software.

Best Amazon Feedback & Review Management Software

Oh yes, the review jungle. Managing feedback on Amazon can feel like a never-ending task. With thousands of products and hundreds of reviews, you need a tool that does the heavy lifting. Here’s what we look for when testing Amazon feedback and review management software:

  • Automated feedback requests. The best tools automatically send out follow-up emails asking for reviews, helping boost your review count without manual effort.
  • Review filtering and prioritization. A solid tool lets you filter by ratings or keywords (like “damaged” or “late”) so you can quickly address issues that could hurt your seller ranking.
  • Performance tracking. See which products are getting the most reviews, and analyze trends to improve your offerings.
  • Amazon compliance. Ensure the tool follows Amazon’s strict guidelines on review management to avoid penalties.

We’ve tested a variety of software options, and you can find the full review of the best Amazon feedback management tools.

FAQ on App Store review management

What are the app reviews in the Apple App Store?

App reviews in the Apple App Store are public feedback from users about their experience with an app. Users can rate apps on a scale of 1 to 5 stars and leave written comments. These reviews are visible to anyone browsing the store, providing insights into an app's performance, usability, and overall quality.

Should I buy app reviews?

No, buying app reviews is against the guidelines of both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. It can lead to penalties, including app removal. Focus on genuine user feedback through ethical practices like improving your app’s performance and encouraging real users to leave reviews.

How important are App Store reviews?

App Store reviews are crucial for an app's success. They influence download rates, boost visibility in search results, and build trust with potential users. Positive reviews can lead to higher rankings, while negative reviews can provide insights for improvement.

Do Apple App Store and Google Play Store have the same guidelines?

No, while both stores have similar rules about genuine and non-manipulative reviews, there are differences in how they handle app store reviews, ratings calculations, and platform-specific features like review resetting (Apple) and device-specific ratings (Google Play).

How to get app reviews?

You can encourage app reviews by prompting users at the right moments, like after they achieve a milestone in the app. Using in-app feedback tools, responding to reviews, and maintaining a great user experience are key strategies. Avoid asking too early to prevent negative feedback.

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