50 positive review response examples [+15 negative cases]

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Olivia Doboaca
50 positive review response examples [+15 negative cases]

Table of Content:

  1. Why Should You Reply to Positive Reviews?
  2. How to Respond to Positive Reviews
  3. 15 Positive Review Response Examples
    • 1. The product/service was great, high-quality
    • 2. Responding to a positive review from a local influencer
    • 3. Responses to positive reviews that mention an employee
    • 4. Positive reviews that mention your location
    • 5. Service was fast and efficient
    • 6. Positive review from a first-time customer
    • 7. Positive review from a long-time customer
    • 8. General positive review
    • 9. Great customer service
    • 10. Promoting a discount or offer
    • 11. When a customer mentions their friends or family
    • 12. Ask them if they need anything else
    • 13. Mention your team in the response
    • 14. Ask for more questions
    • 15. Urge them to share their experience
  4. 15 Response examples to star rating feedback without comments
    • How to Respond to a 5-Star Review Without Comments
    • How to Respond to a 4-Star Review
    • How to Respond to 2- and 3-Star Reviews
    • How to Respond to 1-Star Reviews
  5. 10 App Reviews Response Templates
    • 1. Thanking for a 5-Star Review and Highlighting Features
    • 2. Personalized Thanks for Regular Use
    • 3. Celebrating a Milestone with the App
    • 4. Encouraging Feedback for Improvements
    • 5. Thanking for App’s Practicality
    • 6. Appreciating Long-Term Users
    • 7. Grateful for Boosting Productivity
    • 8. Addressing Minor Concerns in a Positive Review
    • 9. Celebrating a Unique App Experience
    • 10. Thanking for Simple Praise
  6. Generic Review Responses
  7. How AppFollow can help you manage reviews
  8. Conclusion
    • FAQ on responding to positive reviews

50 positive review response examples [Copy and Paste]

You know when you're sitting in front of a screen, staring at yet another customer review, wondering how to reply without sounding like a robot or a broken record? Every manager feels it. There's the thrill of getting praised by a happy customer, the relief when you find out all your hard work paid off, and that tiny bit of pressure knowing you've got to respond.

Case 1: A five-star review, nice! I got this!

Case 2: Oh, they mentioned the customer service team by name? Perfect, I'll make it personal.

Case 3: Wait, this review is just three words. How do I stretch that into a thoughtful reply?

For me, responding to positive reviews has always been trickier than replying to the negatives. Luckily, I've had a lot of positive feedback over the years. But with every review, I feel I need to come up with something fresh and unique. It’s like you want to give the customer the same amount of love they gave you without sounding like you’ve copied and pasted from a script.

Let’s talk about in-depth positive feedback. Say someone drops a gem like this:

You can’t just give them a thumbs-up emoji and call it a day.

My personal nightmare is those 5, 4, and even 3-star reviews with no comments. Just numbers. No clues on what went right or what went slightly off. You’re left in the dark, trying to decipher what that means.

After years of trial and error (and trust me, lots of error), I’ve built up a treasure chest of responses, and I’m ready to share the love. Time to make replying to reviews as smooth as that perfect latte.

Why Should You Reply to Positive Reviews?

I wish it were enough to just drop a “thank you for your review” under a 5-star review and call it a day. But we all know that’s not how the game works. Responding to positive reviews is about more than just being polite; it’s a chance to boost your brand, build loyalty, and keep that customer coming back. Here’s why:

  • It shows you care.
    5-star ratings are great, but a thoughtful review reply shows you really care. 89% of consumers read businesses’ responses to reviews. I’m sure it’s true for your fine self as well—do you check the rating of a restaurant you’d like to visit before going? Indeed. Customers want to see if you’re paying attention to feedback, too. Just saying “thank you for your review” is like sending an automatic response email—cold and impersonal.
  • It boosts your SEO.
    Google favors active businesses. Responding to positive reviews examples can help with your rankings. According to Moz, review signals make up 15.44% of local search ranking factors. More reviews + responses = better chances of ranking higher in search results. Don’t you want to be at the top when someone searches for your business?
  • It encourages more reviews.
    People are 1.7x more likely to leave a review if they see you respond. They think, “Hey, this company actually listens!” Who wouldn’t want more 5 stars review?
  • Google likes it.
    From my experience, businesses that reply to Google reviews get more visibility. One study by Womply showed that businesses replying to reviews earned 35% more revenue. That’s not a small number! A thoughtful Google review response example might just bring in more than you think.
  • It’s a chance to upsell.
    A well-placed review reply can mention other products or services. You don’t have to be salesy. But it’s an opportunity to keep the conversation going with an already satisfied customer.
  • It builds trust with potential customers.
    92% of customers read online reviews before making a purchase decision. If new customers see thoughtful feedback response examples, they’re more likely to trust your business. And we all know trust leads to sales.
  • It makes you look professional.
    A business that responds to reviews just seems more put together. If you can handle a 5 stars review well, it builds your reputation.

Responding to reviews on app platforms is just as critical. I’ve seen apps with high 4-star rating rise in rankings even more simply because they were actively replying to reviews.

How to Respond to Positive Reviews

While it’s tempting to throw out a quick “thank you,” a thoughtful and strategic response does a lot more. Here’s the flow I use when handling positive reviews examples from satisfied customers, and I’ll break down why each step works.

So how do you write a good response to a review?

1️⃣ Respond quickly

Timeliness matters. You’ve just received a 5 star review? Jump on it. Ideally, you should respond within 24-48 hours. This quick turnaround shows that you value your customer’s feedback and pay attention. Waiting too long can make your response feel like an afterthought, which is not the vibe you want to give off.

Use AppFollow to make sure you don’t miss any reviews. It’s a great tool that tracks reviews across multiple platforms, ensuring you can jump on them as soon as they come in.

Google reviews or app store feedback—it doesn’t matter. AppFollow will help you stay on top of things. That way, no glowing review goes unnoticed, and you can respond promptly. The best bit—you can use AI automation to automatically respond with a unique message to every single positive review, and you don’t have pay extra for it.


2️⃣ Start positive review with gratitude

Always begin with a heartfelt thank you. The customer took the time to leave a glowing review, and you should match their effort. A simple “thank you” sets the tone for the rest of your response.

"We’re so grateful you took the time to share your thoughts, Mike!"

Saying thank you builds goodwill. It’s the foundation of every positive review response example.

3️⃣ Make It Personal

The quickest way to sound robotic? Use the same canned reply for every review. Mention the customer’s name and reference details from their review. That’ll be a lot more personal, and that’s what you want.

"We’re so glad you loved our new feature—it’s our best one yet, we think!"

Feedback responses that include personalized details build a stronger connection.

4️⃣ Highlight specifics

Don’t be generic. If they mentioned something specific they liked—whether it’s your quick service, a favorite product, or a great experience with a team member—highlight it. This reinforces the user’s positive feelings.

"We’re thrilled that our fast delivery exceeded your expectations! Our team works hard to make sure your orders always arrive quickly."

5️⃣ Invite Them Back

Encourage repeat business by inviting the customer to return. This is a subtle way to keep them thinking about you. It also shows that you’re not just interested in their one-time experience but in building a long-term relationship. I would recommend a good balance here, however, if you are also in contact with these users over other channels.

"We look forward to seeing you again soon, John! Don’t forget to check out our seasonal specials next time you stop by. Cheers!"

6️⃣ Add a Little Extra Value

While you’re at it, give a little something extra. Maybe mention a tip or an insider secret related to what they liked. This adds value and makes the customer feel like they’re in on something special.

"Pro tip: Next time you buy, try this promocode: HELLYEAH96. Apply once you’re in the app and you’ll see our soon-to-be-released selection. Pick something ahead of anyone else! A little thank you, from us to you. Enjoy!"

Adding extra value keeps things fresh and keeps your response interesting. It also turns a simple 5-star review template into a memorable interaction.

7️⃣ Keep positive review replies fun and professional

Even though you’re keeping things casual, don’t lose your professionalism. Typos or errors in your reply can make you look careless. Always double-check your response. But don’t be afraid to throw in some fun language or emojis (if your brand voice allows). You want to match the vibe of the review while still maintaining a professional tone.

"Thanks for being awesome, Emma! ?We can’t wait to have you back!"

Positive review response examples like these strike the right balance. So, let’s take a look at the 15 examples that you can yoink and use freely yourself.

15 Positive Review Response Examples

Here are my best examples of how to reply to a positive review in a way that gets customers talking and coming back for more. These examples are designed to build relationships, spark loyalty, and make customers feel like they really matter.

We’ve studied these long and short positive review response examples in our own work, and they’ve boosted repeat business.

So, let’s get into it—15 killer responses that’ll make your positive review replies stand out.

1. The product/service was great, high-quality

This is perfect for customers who comment on the overall quality of your product or service.

  • "Thank you, [Customer Name], for sharing your experience with us. We’re thrilled to hear that you loved our [product/service] and that it met your expectations. We can’t wait to welcome you back soon!"
  • "We’re so happy you enjoyed our [product/service]! Your feedback made our day."

Pro Tip: Always mention the product or service they praised to make it more personal.

2. Responding to a positive review from a local influencer

  • "Thank you so much for the review, [Influencer Name]! It’s a pleasure to hear you enjoyed [product/service]. We hope to see you again soon, and don’t forget to try our [additional product/service] next time!"
  • "It’s an honor to receive your feedback. Thanks for the shoutout!"

Perfect for Google review responses or feedback from influencers or bloggers. Highlight the product or service they enjoyed, and use it as an opportunity to recommend something new.

3. Responses to positive reviews that mention an employee

This is great for reviews that mention individual team members. Sharing feedback internally is key, and customers love knowing their compliments are heard.

  • "Thank you for the amazing review, [Customer Name]! We’ve shared your feedback with [Employee Name], and they were so happy to hear it. We’re lucky to have a team that cares as much as they do."
  • "[Employee Name] is thrilled to hear your kind words! Thank you for the shoutout."

Pro Tip: Always include the employee’s name when it’s mentioned in the review.

4. Positive reviews that mention your location

  • "Thank you for the kind words about our location, [Customer Name]! We’re so glad you enjoyed the ambiance here at [location]. We hope to see you next time you’re in the area!"
  • "We’re glad to hear you loved our space. Looking forward to welcoming you back!"

This is a great positive feedback response example when customers mention how much they liked your physical space or location.

5. Service was fast and efficient

Perfect for reply to positive feedback when customers mention speed. It shows you’re attentive to their time.

  • "Thank you for your review, [Customer Name]! We know your time is valuable, and we’re thrilled to hear that we could provide fast service. We look forward to serving you again soon."
  • "We’re happy to hear that our service was quick!"

6. Positive review from a first-time customer

  • "We’re so glad you chose us for your first visit, [Customer Name]! We’re delighted to hear it was a great experience, and we hope to see you again soon."
  • "We’re thrilled you enjoyed your first visit. Hope to see you back soon!"

7. Positive review from a long-time customer

  • "Thank you for your continued support, [Customer Name]! We love seeing familiar faces, and we’re honored to have earned your loyalty over the years. Can’t wait to see you again soon!"
  • "We appreciate your loyalty and love having you as a customer!"

8. General positive review

This is a catch-all positive reply for any general sample good reviews. It works well when a customer leaves positive feedback but isn’t too specific.

  • "Thank you for your five-star review, [Customer Name]! We’re thrilled to hear you had such a positive experience and hope to see you again soon."
  • "Thanks for your glowing review! We’re so happy you enjoyed your time with us."

9. Great customer service

Perfect for responding to a positive review example when customers compliment your customer service.

  • "Thank you for the kind review, [Customer Name]! We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service, and we’re so happy to hear we met your expectations."

10. Promoting a discount or offer

This works well when you want to tie in a promotion to encourage the customer to come back.

  • "Thank you for your review, [Customer Name]! We’re so glad to hear you had a great experience, and just so you know, we’ve got a special offer coming up that you won’t want to miss! Visit us again soon!"
  • "Thanks for the review! Check out our latest offer next time you’re here."

11. When a customer mentions their friends or family

  • "Thank you for bringing your [friends/family], [Customer Name]! We’re so happy they enjoyed their time with us too. Spread the word!"
  • "We’re thrilled that your [friends/family] had a great time as well!"

12. Ask them if they need anything else

  • "Thank you for your review, [Customer Name]! If there’s anything else we can do to improve your experience, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [contact info]."
  • "We’re always here to help. Feel free to reach out anytime!"

13. Mention your team in the response

  • "[Team Member Name] was so happy to hear your feedback, [Customer Name]! Your review made their day, and we’re excited to welcome you back soon."
  • "[Employee Name] loved hearing your review!"

14. Ask for more questions

  • "Thank you for your review, [Customer Name]! If you have any more questions about our [product/service], don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to help!"

15. Urge them to share their experience

  • "Thank you, [Customer Name], for your kind review! We’d love it if you could share your experience with your friends and family, and we can’t wait to welcome you all back!"

This is great for encouraging word-of-mouth referrals after a positive reply.

15 Response examples to star rating feedback without comments

Responding to star ratings without comments can be a bit of a puzzle. You’ve got a rating, but no context. How do you respond when the customer hasn’t given you much to work with? The default response is usually a “thank you for the 5-star review,” but you can do better than that. I’ve put together some creative responses to handle these star ratings—whether they’re 5 stars or 1. Let’s get into how to respond in a way that makes your business stand out.

How to Respond to a 5-Star Review Without Comments

Responding to a 5-star review without comments gives you the chance to thank the customer, encourage further engagement, and reinforce loyalty. Even without specific feedback, you can use this opportunity to build a stronger connection.

  • Example 1:
    "Thank you for the 5-star rating, [Customer Name]! We’re thrilled to see that you enjoyed your experience. We’d love to hear more about what made your visit great, so feel free to share details next time. Looking forward to welcoming you back!"
  • Example 2:
    "Wow, thank you for the 5 stars! We’re so glad you had a fantastic time with us. If there’s anything we can do to make your next visit even better, let us know! We can’t wait to see you again soon."
  • Example 3:
    "Thanks so much for the perfect rating! We love seeing our customers happy, and we hope to keep delivering the best for you. If you ever need anything, feel free to reach out."

How to Respond to a 4-Star Review

A 4-star review without comments suggests the customer had a generally positive experience but didn’t feel it was perfect. This is your opportunity to encourage feedback for improvement and show your commitment to making things even better.

  • Example 1:
    "Thank you for your 4-star review, [Customer Name]! We’re happy you had a good experience, but we’d love to hear how we can make your next visit a 5-star one."
  • Example 2:
    "Thanks for the great rating! We’re glad you enjoyed your time with us. If there’s anything we can do to bump that up to 5 stars, please let us know."
  • Example 3:
    "We appreciate your 4-star review! It sounds like you had a good experience, but we always aim for 5 stars. Let us know what we can do to earn that extra star next time!"

How to Respond to 2- and 3-Star Reviews

For 2- and 3-star reviews, the customer likely had a mixed experience. They weren’t entirely satisfied, but there’s potential to win them back. Use your response to ask for more information, apologize, and offer a way to improve their next visit.

  • Example 1:
    "Thank you for your rating. We’re sorry to hear that we didn’t fully meet your expectations. Could you share more about what went wrong so we can improve?"
  • Example 2:
    "Thanks for the review, [Customer Name]. We strive for excellence, and we’re sorry that we fell short this time. If you could let us know what happened, we’d love to make things right."
  • Example 3:
    "Thank you for your 3-star rating. We know we didn’t quite hit the mark this time, and we’d appreciate hearing more details so we can improve. Tell us more?"

How to Respond to 1-Star Reviews

1-star reviews are tough to handle, but the key is to remain calm, apologize, and offer a way to resolve the issue. Whether it’s compensation or a personal discussion, your goal is to show the customer that you care and are willing to make amends.

  • Example 1:
    "We’re truly sorry to hear about your experience. Our goal is to provide the best service possible, and we clearly missed the mark. Please reach out to us directly at [contact info] so we can make things right for you."
  • Example 2:
    "We’re sorry to see this 1-star rating, and we take your feedback seriously. We’d like to hear more about what went wrong so we can address the issue and ensure it doesn’t happen again."
  • Example 3: Acknowledge the Problem and Offer Compensation
    "We’re sorry to hear about your negative experience, [Customer Name]. We always aim for 5 stars, and we regret that we didn’t meet your expectations. We’d love to offer you [discount/free product] as a way to make up for it. Please reach out to us so we can discuss further."

10 App Reviews Response Templates

I wish there was some secret knowledge on how to reply to app reviews that were different from Google reviews, but the truth is, it's pretty much the same deal.

Whether you're dealing with the App Store or Google Play, the goal is to thank your users, address any feedback, and build relationships with those who took the time to leave a review. So, if you’re stuck thinking about how to thank someone for a review of your app, I’ve got you covered.

Below, I’ve pulled together some of the best positive review response examples crafted for app feedback.

1. Thanking for a 5-Star Review and Highlighting Features

"Wow, five stars! ???? We’re so happy to hear that [App Name] is helping you [specific app feature]. Your feedback motivates us to keep pushing updates and improving the app. If you ever have suggestions, feel free to reach out!"

This is perfect for showing your enthusiasm and thanking the user for their review. Highlighting a feature reinforces the value of your app.

2. Personalized Thanks for Regular Use

"Hey [Reviewer Name], thank you for the awesome review! We’re thrilled that you’re finding [App Name] so useful in your daily life. If there’s anything we can improve, just let us know!"

If the user mentions they use the app regularly, make it personal and thank them for their loyalty.

3. Celebrating a Milestone with the App

"We’re so glad you hit that milestone with [App Name], [Reviewer Name]! It’s users like you who keep us inspired to bring the best features and updates. Thank you for your five stars!"

Use this when a user mentions hitting a milestone within the app. Celebrate with them and make it clear that their success with the app is your success too.

4. Encouraging Feedback for Improvements

"Thank you for the 4-star review, [Reviewer Name]! We’re excited that you’re enjoying [App Name]. Is there anything we can do to make your experience a 5-star one?"

When a user leaves a 4-star review, acknowledge the positives but also ask what can be improved.

5. Thanking for App’s Practicality

"Thank you so much for your positive feedback, [Reviewer Name]! Our team is dedicated to making [App Name] as practical and user-friendly as possible, and we’re so glad to hear that it’s working for you. Keep enjoying the app, and let us know if there’s anything else we can do!"

For apps that focus on functionality, this response reinforces your commitment to practicality.

6. Appreciating Long-Term Users

"Wow, [Reviewer Name], thank you for sticking with [App Name] for so long! We’re beyond excited to hear it’s become such a regular part of your routine. Let us know if there’s anything new we can do to keep making your experience even better!"

This is great for when users mention they’ve been using your app for a while. Show them you appreciate their long-term commitment and that you’re still working to impress them.

7. Grateful for Boosting Productivity

"Thank you for the five stars, [Reviewer Name]! We’re thrilled to hear that [App Name] has boosted your productivity. We’re always working on new updates to keep that momentum going!"

For productivity apps, this response is ideal. You’re acknowledging the practical impact your app has on the user’s life while promising future improvements.

8. Addressing Minor Concerns in a Positive Review

"Thank you for the review, [Reviewer Name]! We’re glad you’re enjoying the app overall and appreciate your feedback on [specific issue]. We’re already working on improvements, so stay tuned for future updates!"

Even in a positive review, there may be some constructive criticism. Use this response to show that you’re listening.

9. Celebrating a Unique App Experience

"Wow, [Reviewer Name], we’re so happy you’re loving the unique features of [App Name]! Our goal has always been to offer something different, and it’s fantastic to know we’re hitting the mark. Thanks for the five stars!"

If your app offers something unique, celebrate that with the user. This type of response shows that you’re proud of what sets your app apart.

10. Thanking for Simple Praise

"Thanks for the 5 stars, [Reviewer Name]! We’re so happy to hear that you’re enjoying [App Name]."

This is a great appreciation feedback example for when the user didn’t give much detail. Keep it simple, warm, and appreciative.

When it comes to replying to app reviews on the App Store or Google Play, there’s no magic formula—it's just like handling any other platform. The key is to express genuine gratitude, show you’re listening, and invite further feedback.

A thoughtful response can go a long way in building a loyal user base.

Generic Review Responses

Sometimes, we’re all just a bit tired and need a good, simple response example that feels human—not like it was auto-generated by ChatGPT. Here are some easy, short, and long review response examples to keep handy for those days when creativity feels low but you still want to be unique.

Simple Thank You for a Review

"Thank you for your review!"

Thank You for a Review Template

"Thanks for the feedback, [Customer Name]! We appreciate your support and are always here if you need anything!"

Thank You with Specific Product Mention

"Thank you for the review! We’re so happy to hear you enjoyed [specific feature]!"

5/5 Star Rating Reply

"Wow, five stars! Thanks so much for the perfect rating!"

Great Yelp Review Reply

"Thank you for your kind words! We’re excited to hear you loved [product/service], and we look forward to having you back."

Google Reviews Example

"Thanks for the 5/5 rating! We hope to continue delivering great service."

Short Review Example

"Thanks for the review! We’re so glad you had a great experience."

Longer Review Response

"Thank you so much for your thought-out review! We’re thrilled that [feature] made your experience even better."

Excellent Review Examples

"Your review made our day! Thank you for sharing your experience and supporting us!"

How AppFollow can help you manage reviews

Monitoring user feedback can be exhausting, and trust me, I know the struggle. AppFollow.io is designed to tackle this exact challenge. If you’re managing reviews from the App Store, Google Play, or anywhere else, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the comments, star ratings, and suggestions.

Companies use AppFollow to bring everything together in one place. No more bouncing between platforms or missing out on important feedback. It’s all right there, organized, and easy to manage.

The automation features are a lifesaver. You can tag reviews, sort them, and set up personalized responses that actually sound human. It saves so much time, and I never have to worry about sounding repetitive or robotic.

My favorite tool is sentiment tracking. It lets me see exactly how users feel about the app over time and across different regions.

Plus, keeping an eye on competitor reviews has never been easier, giving me insights on how to stay ahead.

If keeping up with user feedback feels like a never-ending task, AppFollow’s AI can automate up to 50% of your responses, freeing up time to focus on feedback or other important tasks. Plus, with customizable rules, you can set the AI to prioritize and respond to reviews based on star ratings or keywords.

You can even automate tagging and categorization—the right reviews will go to the appropriate team.



Responding to reviews matters more than ever. Using thoughtful, personalized responses turns simple feedback into an opportunity to build stronger connections. With the right approach and tools, like the ones I've shared here, you can handle everything from excellent review response examples to tricky situations. So, next time you see a "thank you for the review" moment, make sure you seize the chance to improve.

FAQ on responding to positive reviews

What is an example of a good response to a positive review?

"Thank you for the review! We're thrilled you had a great experience with our app and hope to keep delivering great service." Always personalize your response by mentioning details from their review if possible.

What are 5-star positive reviews examples?

"Fantastic app! It’s user-friendly and has really improved my workflow. Highly recommend it!" When responding to these, always emphasize your commitment to continued improvement.

How do you respond to a 5-star Google review?

"Thank you for the 5-star rating! We’re so happy you enjoyed the app and look forward to continuing to improve your experience." Acknowledge the review, mention features they enjoyed, and invite them to reach out with more.

Should I respond to both positive and negative reviews?

Absolutely! Responding to both shows you care about all feedback and helps build trust with users. Ignoring negative reviews can hurt your reputation, while thoughtful replies can turn things around.

Is it okay to ask customers to change their negative review after resolving their issue?

Yes, but ask politely after resolving the issue, and focus first on making things right. Once the customer is satisfied, you can request an updated review.

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