Before you take your app to the global market, you need to get your code up to scratch. Read this gu...
To be truly successful, your mobile app business requires reliable revenue that’s visible month afte...
Balancing the desire to get noticed and the need to make money is difficult. Learn how to effectivel...
App store ratings and reviews are crucial to conversion. Nowadays, 9 of 10 users look at an app’s r...
Are you spending too much on user acquisition? Learn how to calculate Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC...
Discover how to calculate and reduce app churn rate with this comprehensive guide offering strategie...
Try AppFollow for boosting your mobile growth
Daily Active Users (DAU) and Monthly Active Users (MAU) should also be part of any product or marke...
So, you’ve established your app, it’s doing well, but what now? It’s time to start opening your app ...
There are over 2 million apps for users to choose from, with many sharing features or executing the ...
What is Voice of Customer and why is it useful for app developers? How is it connected to user feedb...
Mobile user acquisition is the process acquiring new users for your app through various means of mar...
Your app might be attracting new users, but is your user retention rate up to scratch? Learn how to ...
Try AppFollow for boosting your mobile growth
Customer cohorts is the gold standard for tracking user engagement. It records the behaviour or enga...
Customer focus is about building your around your customers' needs. But what are the benefits of cus...
Discover how you can use mobile app customer support to boost your app performance, increase ratings...