AppFollow Q2 ’17 review

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Evgeny Kruglov
AppFollow Q2 ’17 review
TL;DR: We launched Customer Support tool that has a very high adoption rate. Sustainable organic user base growth with 30% quarter-over-quarter rate & more than 500% year-over-year. And we managed to reach break-even this June (which was expected only in autumn).

Product Update

Q2 ‘17 was very important to us as we launched several key projects which we’ve been working on for a while:

  • In April we kicked off our Customer Support tool which allows to work seamlessly with reviews both on iOS & Android, answer users, keep chat history (unlike iTunes Connect & Google Play Console) and many-many more.
    Adoption rate is one of the highest we had so far.
  • Within Customer Support tool we launched open beta for our first integration — Slack Reply bot. More is coming in Q3 ‘17.
  • We finally completely moved to our new Core API which allows us to continue grow & scale our product and thus serve customers much better than before — initial data collection now happens in real time compared to few hours delay before, onwards data management processes now bigger data volumes within each user’s account.

All this allowed us cross 10k mark for company accounts & get almost 12k users in the service by the end of June. 65% of them use AppFollow on a regular (monthly) basis.

AppFollow as well was included in the Top ASO tools according to Business Of Apps list.

Metrics Update

  • We keep our 30% QoQ user base growth rate. Same time, we showed over 500% YoY user base growth. Our churn continues to be less than 2% MoM.
  • By the end of the quarter our MRR reached $14k (more than 300% growth YoY) and ARPPU — $42/mo (from $25/mo a year ago). Average lifetime for Premium customers is 14 months.
  • ASO tools launched in Q1 ’17 noticeably adding to our revenue stream —on average extra 20% due to a growing interest towards this topic from the market.
  • Total quarterly income exceeded $55k, 42% of which came in June, allowing us to get on break-even 4 months ahead of the plan.
We are happy to welcome,,, Game Insight, iProspect, Jam City, Mighty Games, Remember The Milk, Supersolid & many-many more as our new Premium customers.

Q3 ’17 Plans

  • We’ll focus on delivering next version of our Customer Support tool adding integrations with Zendesk, HelpShift & other help-desk services.
  • We as well plan to launch long waited Rating (stars) dashboard, add integrations with Microsoft Teams & Workplace by Facebook and more to finally launch AppFollow 3.0.
  • It is expected that Apple will launch iOS 11 & new App Store this September. It implies a huge amount of work we’ll do to help our customers adopt their ASO strategies to this changes. We already see a growing interest to that topic from dozens of our customers.
  • We hope to sustain June’s break-even financial result and at the same time continue our growth in terms of users & MRR.

If you have any questions or comments, please, mail us at

Stay tuned!

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