5.6: March Update

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Anatoly Sharifulin
5.6: March Update

Table of Content:

  1. Auto-replies (beta)
  2. Auto-tags
  3. A Major Update to Semantic Analysis
  4. Replying to Amazon Reviews as a Manufacturer
  5. Keyword Positioning Map
  6. Auto-Translate and the Keyword Difficulty Index
  7. Downloads and Revenue by Country
  8. One more thing
TL;DR: Auto-replies and Auto-tags to boost support teams' work; big update of Semantic Analysis; replying to Amazon reviews as a Manufacturer; Keyword positioning map, and more.

1. Auto-replies (beta)

Support teams get thousands of reviews about the same problems. To respond to them all, support agents have to copy and customize reply templates. With AppFollow's new Auto-replies tool, support teams can reply to hundreds of common questions in seconds, create a positive impression about the developer, and avoid looking like robots with boilerplate responses.

Want to know how we do it? Read more about how auto-replies work.

Source: appfollow.io
Auto-replies are available to users with Enterprise plans. Send us an email to sign up for beta testing.

2. Auto-tags

Are you still tagging reviews manually? Automate your work with AppFollow's auto-tags. No more need to manually organize tags or to read all reviews to find feature requests. Set keywords for each tag, and our tool will label thousands of reviews with the right tags. All you have to do is visit Tags Chart to analyze what concerns users have.

Source: appfollow.io
Auto-tags are available for Enterprise plans. Shoot us an email to get started.

3. A Major Update to Semantic Analysis

Find customer insights from Portuguese and Brazilian users! We've updated Semantic Analysis to support Portuguese, and we're working on adding six more languages. You can help us decide which languages we introduce!

For English and Russian languages, we've improved the accuracy for determining topics and user sentiment and added 40 new semantic tags. Now you can find reviews from loyal users, feedback on boring or complicated content, and filter out complaints about pricing and payment problems more quickly.

Source: appfollow.io
Semantic Analysis works for Advanced plans and higher. Want to get customer insights without reading reviews? Jot us a quick note.

4. Replying to Amazon Reviews as a Manufacturer

Reply to users on Amazon with a Manufacturer tag. Whether you're replying to product or app users, they'll definitely know that you're the one replying to them, not another user.

Start replying to Amazon reviews today!

Source: appfollow.io
This feature is available to Enterprise users. Write us to enable the feature.

5. Keyword Positioning Map

Use the best keyword in your ASO, with the right balance of difficulty and popularity. If your app is having a hard time getting into the top 10 results for a keyword, users won't scroll down to it in the search results, meaning you'll miss out on downloads. The Keyword Positioning Map lets you easily find the search queries your app is struggling to get indexed on and replace them with keywords that will help you in rank in the top 10. We recommend targeting the upper left-hand corner. This is where you can identify popular keywords with lower difficulty scores that have less competition in search. That makes it easier for you to get your app into the top search results.

Source: appfollow.io
Want to use Keyword Positioning Map and Keyword Difficulty to optimize your meta? Write us an email. This feature is available for Advanced plans and higher.

6. Auto-Translate and the Keyword Difficulty Index

Find the right keywords without even knowing the language and boost your downloads in more countries! The Keyword Difficulty index makes it easier to select keywords that will get your app to the Top 10 search results. Keyword auto-translation and Keyword Difficulty are available for all company users, starting with the Growth plan.

Source: appfollow.io

7. Downloads and Revenue by Country

Use Downloads & Revenue to analyze how you're doing in these areas in each country. The new country filter helps you track key metrics for each individual country. Compare metrics by country for individual apps or all together to identify growing and shrinking markets.

Source: appfollow.io
Downloads & Revenue is available for all plans, including our free solution.

One more thing

AppFollow has two new price plans: Advanced and Enterprise. Advanced plans feature integration with Zendesk and Helpshift, while Enterprise users can enjoy customizable functions and priority support. Learn more on our Pricing & Plans page.

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