How to Master Your App Localization with Keyword Auto-translation Tool

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Ilia Kukharev
How to Master Your App Localization with Keyword Auto-translation Tool

If you still use only English in your App Store Optimization strategy, you’re losing thousands of impressions and downloads coming from the fastest-growing mobile markets. Arabic countries and Southeast Asia are the most promising areas, but the most challenging ones as well. Translating hieroglyphs or trying to calculate characters and spaces in Arabic — how to deal with it without going mad?

At AppFollow ASO Consultancy we work with these tricky languages all the time. We know how time-consuming this is, as you literally spend hours gathering and translating keywords manually. But not need to anymore.

By Using our new Keyword Auto-translation tool you will save time on this manual work. Get everything translated into English just with 1 click:

keywords auto-translate tool

How to localize apps to any language: 4 steps

  1. Study and save the keywords your competitors have in a given country to analyze which of them you can add to your text optimization. We used the Keyword Spy tool for that.

The list of keywords the Skyscanner app uses in South Korea. By clicking the plus sign, we save them for tracking to use later in our text optimization. 

2. Translate these added keywords in the Keyword & ASO section.

All the keywords you saved will appear in the Keywords & ASO section separated by country, you can easily analyze their popularity and competitiveness here. 

3. Sort the keywords by popularity to find keywords with higher popularity and fewer number of competitors (Apps column).

    We have a keyword “jeju air” that only 51 apps use, while a keyword 항공사 (airline) is used by 558 apps. You have more chances to rank higher for the first one. 

    4. Find new keywords similar to these ones using the Keyword Research tool.

      Copy one of the keywords you’ve found and paste it to the Keyword Research tool. We pasted 항공 (airline) and got a list of suggestions that users look for together with this request. 

      Check our step-by-step guide to localize apps to any language.

      Dreaming of getting a flurry of new users? The Keyword Auto-translation tool is available for all users, starting with the Growth plan.


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