AppFollow Wins ChurnZero Award for Innovative Customer Success Strategies

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Olivia Doboaca
AppFollow Wins ChurnZero Award for Innovative Customer Success Strategies

We're thrilled to announce that AppFollow has been honored with the Innovation Hero award from ChurnZero, recognizing our commitment to overcoming challenges and delivering exceptional customer success. 

Breaking Down the Challenges

AppFollow's Customer Success team, led by Dana Pavel and Anastasiia Rybalko, tackled several challenges head-on with the help of ChurnZero. These challenges included the need for a prioritization system for bug fixes, visibility into the status of fixes and support tasks across different platforms, and the need to guide prospects through a managed trial experience.

Innovative Integrations

The AppFollow team took an integrations-focused approach, leveraging ChurnScore health scores to drive impactful changes. They influenced Jira's priorities by pushing ChurnScore data into Zendesk and then into Jira. Simultaneously, Jira fields were pushed to ChurnZero via Zendesk, allowing the inclusion of Jira task resolution time as a ChurnScore factor.

Enhancing Managed Trials

We began pulling accounts into ChurnZero for managed trials even before contracts were signed. This proactive approach enabled the team to guide prospects through the platform seamlessly. A dedicated section for Business and industry insights under Details also empowered Customer Success Managers to document crucial information about the customer and their market.

Results and Future Outlook

Dana Pavel shared, "We're still monitoring the numbers, but the main improvement we're seeing is more alignment on how we define and identify risk, which was very important." The approach has fostered shared ownership and understanding across the entire company, emphasizing that Customer Success is not solely responsible for retention. The CS team now has enhanced visibility into at-risk accounts, enabling timely escalation and better preparation for customer calls.


Receiving this award from Churn Zero is a testament to our team's dedication to pushing the boundaries of excellence. We are grateful for the recognition and excited about the continued impact of our innovative strategies on customer success. The journey doesn't end here – we remain committed to delivering exceptional value to our users and pushing for further advancements in the ever-evolving landscape of customer success.

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