AppFollow 3.4: February Edition

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Anatoly Sharifulin
AppFollow 3.4: February Edition
TL;DR: In our latest release we focused on improving our main tools: new integrations with Front and, Google Play ‘no-rating’ reviews support, new keyword charts and few interesting features in beta-access.

1. Likes dashboard

Earlier this year we added a new feature that allows to collect and show how many “likes” ?? and “dislikes”?? one or another review has. To make working & analyzing likes more convenient, we developed a simple dashboard. Go to Reviews → Chats → Likes.

You can now see daily statistics of total likes and dislikes. Actual reviews that received user votes will be listed below:

Likes and dislikes chart

To access this data you need to set up integrations with iTunes Connect and Google Play Console. So, as you understand, we collect likes and dislikes only for your own apps.

2. Replies to reviews via Front, and API

Reply-to-reviews feature is getting more and more popular, and we keep supporting more & more systems in AppFollow so you can reply to your users from literally any service. Based on your feedback we added Front and support.

Working with reviews in Front

These and other similar integrations are set up with just an email. Here is the link with instructions.

We also found out that some teams use self-made help-desk systems. For their benefit we’ve updated our API so it’s possible to reply to reviews through it as well. Learn more about this method in our API doc.

3. Optimizing work with reviews

Recently we came across an interesting case with Google Play reviews having no rating (stars) at all. Though, to be honest, it’s a very rare case. We now support such reviews and we added all necessary filters:

Filtering 0-rating reviews

There is one more new filter for reviews — Updated since reply. It makes easier to find reviews that got updated after developer’s reply.

Review that was updated after the reply

And lastly: if user who likes to update his reviews also changes the rating (stars), we show it more clearly in the history:

4. Bulk reviews API

Speaking of reviews, we also developed a new API call to get a single reviews feed for all apps in your app collections no matter from which store these apps come from. We support all that we have:

  • App Store
  • Google Play
  • Windows Store
  • Amazon Appstore
  • Mac App Store

Find more information here.

5. Keywords Improvements

If you are active with keywords and ASO, from now on it will be easier to monitor results of your optimizations — we added search requests tops to Keyword Chart page:

Top Search Requests for the app
  • Top-1 — keywords for which app is on the first place in search results;
  • Top-5 — app is between 2nd and 5th places in the search;
  • And same logic for all the rest: Top-10, Top-20, Top-50 and Top-100;
  • Unknown — app neither appears in the search nor it’s in the Top-100.

This stats will help you compare results before and after optimisation and show how well your app performs for all the search requests you’re tracking.

6. ASO tools: App Preview (beta-access)

Our favourite section — beta-testing new features — continues keywords research part. We plan to launch new ASO tool — App Preview. Simple and easy interface allows to check how an app will look in iPhone App Store.

Review your texts and descriptions look-and-feel before publishing on the App Store. You can adjust App Name, Subtitle, Description, Rating and Rank. Want to try? Get in touch:

7. Referral program (beta-access)

And one more beta for today: if you’re a cost-savvy AppFollow fan we’ll soon launch a referral program for you. Right now it’s in the test mode:

It’s simple — just invite new users. Once you add a friend’s email, he or she will receive the invite link to AppFollow. After signing up and starting to use the service, both the inviting person and the invitee will get a bonus — trial extension or a discount.

Would you like to try it? Ping us on

One more thing…

Last time we talked about popular reviews which AppFollow can now collect. It seems we found an algorithm of how they work in App Store and Google Play so negative reviews can be removed and positive ones can be pushed into the list.

Wanna test it? Let us know at Our ASO-experts will help you ?

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