6.3: February Product Update

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Olga Padulosi
6.3: February Product Update

Table of Content:

  1. Review Management Tools
    • Bulk actions
    • Agent Performance dashboard
  2. Organic Traffic and ASO Tools
    • Keywords 3.5
    • App update timeline
    • Store performance index benchmark
  3. Zapier integration
  4. Ratings & Reviews strategy consulting
  5. Webinars
    • "The future of customer experience in travel, tourism and hospitality"
    • "The “Magic Numbers” behind great player experiences"
  6. One more thing

February is gone, meaning that Spring is nearly here with all its awakening bloom. Not only does it mean that the sun is back, but also that the clouds have parted and we can finally release what has been in our development incubator for the past 2 months.

In our Product Update 6.3: 

  • bulk actions for managing multiple app reviews faster;
  • Agent Performance dashboard (available for everyone); 
  • smart ASO suggestions powered by our AI to help your app shine bright like a diamond on the first positions in search;
  • app update timeline to get a quick comparison of how your competitors’ updates are doing compared to yours.

Oh, and also we launched consulting for Ratings & Reviews strategies.

Now let’s get into detail.

Review Management Tools

Bulk actions

When it comes to creating an efficient workflow in AppFollow, bulk actions are here to make your life easier! These actions will help you achieve more in less time.

Bulk actions will help if you want to do the following with multiple reviews:

  • respond
  • tag
  • report a concern
  • delete or submit a pending response

Now all you need to do is to select all the reviews you want to apply the action to and choose the action. Previously, you had to go through each review, select it, apply the action, and then start all over again. It comes in handy when you want to save time and still get your job done.

To make sure your replies do not look robotic, you can choose all reviews about a similar topic and use random response templates from one of your folders. For example, you have 10 reviews about bugs and you want to let your users know that you are working on it. Select all reviews about that bug, choose “Reply” and pick “Random Template from Folder”. Now all 10 reviews will get replies with a different text, your users will know you care, and you can get back to meaningful tasks.

Read more on how to set up rules for bulk actions here.

Bulk tags are available for all plans. Try it in your account.

Bulk Report a Concern and Bulk reply are available in Pro and Custom plans accordingly. Request them here.

Agent Performance dashboard

This dashboard is now out of beta, which means you can find it in your account.

What does it do? This easy-to-use tool allows you to look at the big picture by showing you how efficient your support agents are and how well they perform in terms of their KPIs such as average response time, CSAT, number of replies — it’s all in one place. If you need to dig into details, just click on the specific agent and view their personal metrics.

Check for more details here.

Available for Custom plans.

Request it here.

Organic Traffic and ASO Tools

Keywords 3.5

Welcome Keywords 3.5! Now it includes AI recommendations and data on top downloads and search downloads. It is like your colleague who shares their experience on what else to do in order to grow your app’s visibility. You will see what keywords to use to climb up the search positions and what keywords bring you the most installs. Increasing your visibility and the number of downloads has never been easier.

AI recommendations are available starting from the Advanced plan.

Top Downloads tab and Search downloads columns are available starting from the Pro plan.

Request them here.

App update timeline

A new look and new features for the App Update Timeline.

Calendar summary that shows all updates of the apps in a chosen collection. You can click on any app and see details of the update;

Advanced filters to see which of your competitors updated which part of their app: title, description, graphics, price, IAP, and even category.

Available starting from the Growth plan.

Request them here.

Store performance index benchmark

A small but important update to see how your app performs in its category.

Now the Store Performance Index shows the Median Category score. It calculates all parameters, compares it to other apps, and shows where your app is compared to the rest.

Available starting from the Growth plan.

Request it here.

Zapier integration

We added 20 more zaps that you can use to send app reviews to different services like Gmail, Front, Zoho Mail, and more. You can also send reviews or survey replies from services like SurveyMonkey, G2, NPS tools, etc to AppFollow.

Track all communication with users in one dashboard.

Available as a part of the Custom plans.

Request it here.

Ratings & Reviews strategy consulting

Our Consulting team now also assists with the analysis of your Ratings & Reviews strategy. If you need an outside perspective on your current reviews management strategy, drop us a line.

We will help you to:

  • Have a complex understanding of your current rating and overall reviews performance in the selected region;
  • Get insights on how to improve your average rating and average rating by reviews;
  • Measure how your current customer support activity affects ratings dynamic;
  • Get practical recommendations on how to improve your customer care/support team’s performance;
  • Evaluate how users feel about the product and what they are talking about (semantic analysis);
  • Compare your product rating performance with competitors.

Send a request to aso@appfollow.io


"The future of customer experience in travel, tourism and hospitality"

Join us for a conversation with our panel of experts as we discuss:

  • The current status of the industry, including factors that are impacting a consumer’s decision to travel.
  • The impact of CX and technology on travel, tourism and hospitality in the new normal.
  • Guidelines to improve CX and help your business thrive in 2021.

Register here.

"The “Magic Numbers” behind great player experiences"

We invited Gram Games to discuss how they are building collaboration between Product and Support teams and overcome pitfalls to provide the best user experience. 
Register here.

One more thing

We are hiring! We are looking for experts in various fields. Check the openings here and apply. 

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