5.3: December Update

Go to the profile of Anatoly Sharifulin
Anatoly Sharifulin
5.3: December Update

Table of Content:

  1. Respond to Amazon reviews from your AppFollow account
  2. Downloads & Revenue improvements
  3. Keyword Popularity Score Improvements
  4. Updated response efficiency calculation
  5. Templates & Folders improvements
  6. Hold on, one more thing!

TL;DR: Respond to Amazon reviews straight from AppFollow; Downloads & Revenue tool now supports Google Play; Popularity score has been improved; Review response efficiency is calculated better now and much more.

1. Respond to Amazon reviews from your AppFollow account

Answer to Amazon reviews straight from AppFollow! Respond to the reviews of shoppers and app users from AppFollow and Zendesk’s interface.

The feature is still in beta; get in touch to try it out.

Example of an Amazon review in appfollow.io
Source: appfollow.io

Example of review response on amazon.com
Source: amazon.com

2. Downloads & Revenue improvements

Track installs and in-app purchases of your apps in a single view in the Downloads & Revenue section. We now support Google Play Console and are on track to add more bombastic features.

Join the beta and try them out!

3. Keyword Popularity Score Improvements

Concentrate on the best search queries. We analyze over 35 parameters to calculate the most accurate Popularity Score of keywords for any given country. Given these calculations, you get even more precise results.

4. Updated response efficiency calculation

Monitor how your replies influence your app’s average rating. The updated Reviews analysis tool allows you to see how many users update their feedback, as well as the percentage of answered and unanswered reviews. You’ll also see how your responses affect the ratings there.

Appfollow Review Response improvements showcase
Source: appfollow.io

In our example picture, 1259 users updated their reviews within one month — that’s 7% of the overall number of reviews. After receiving a response from a developer, 2% of the users updated their reviews — that’s +1.248 stars for that month. Without a response, users still changed their reviews, but the rating remained virtually the same.

Assess the efficiency of each support agent you have: the Replies Chart section shows how each of your agent’s replies affects the growth or decline of the ratings.

5. Templates & Folders improvements

Systemize and accelerate your work with response templates. The updated Templates section now has Folders, which you can use to separate your replies depending on a user’s problem or language. Should you add tags to a template — the reviews will be tagged automatically once you’ve chosen a template.

Appfollow templates and folders improvements showcase
Should you create a template folder for one of the apps and specify its name in the settings, the agent will be automatically offered the correct templates while working with this app’s reviews. Source: appfollow.io

Hold on, one more thing!

We’ve broadened our ASO consulting scope and refreshed our list of services we can provide. Now you can reach out to us for market research (to help your product conquer new countries), get product featuring and boost your reputation in the app stores. What happens if an app gets 1-star on play store? Nothing good. Read why.

Get in touch with one of our experts to learn more.

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