5.2: November Update

Go to the profile of Anatoly Sharifulin
Anatoly Sharifulin
5.2: November Update

Table of Content:

  1. Replies to Amazon Reviews (Closed Beta)
  2. Beta Reviews in Slack, e-mail, and helpdesk services
  3. New became better/became worse filters in the Zendesk app
  4. Similar apps in Timeline
  5. Keyword Auto-translation (Beta)
  6. New Downloads & Revenue Tool (Beta)
  7. New Pricing
  8. One More Thing:
TL;DR: replies to Amazon reviews, beta reviews sent to Slack and e-mail, Similar apps in Timeline, filtering modified reviews in Zendesk app, a new tool for managing downloads and revenue, keyword auto-translation, our meetup in Berlin, and more.

1. Replies to Amazon Reviews (Closed Beta)

The long-awaited replies to Amazon reviews are finally in beta! Now you can reply to app users and people who purchase any items from Amazon.

Zendesk app users can already reply to Amazon reviews. We'll add this feature in November for all other help desks and the AppFollow admin panel.

Source: zendesk.com

Currently, replies are published under one account, but the next version will allow you to reply from a seller account. Contact us to test the beta.

Source: amazon.com

2. Beta Reviews in Slack, e-mail, and helpdesk services

Now you can reply to reviews from Google Play beta testers via Slack, e-mail, and helpdesk services. Although these reviews will flow in with regular reviews, you can identify them by the Beta tag. The user will be able to see your reply, but it won't be published on Google Play.

Source: Slack
You can find beta review settings in our support center.

3. New became better/became worse filters in the Zendesk app

Now you can reply to updated reviews more quickly. Reacting to this kind of feedback promptly is important: if a user lowers their rating, it's a sign that something's wrong. Your quick response time helps stem user anger and further rating drops, even if you can't resolve the issue right away.

You can configure a separate integration for changed reviews so you never miss them. Source: zendesk.com
These are the most important reviews to grow game and app user loyalty. Find out how to boost it.

4. Similar apps in Timeline

Similar apps are displayed in one feed. The updated Timeline tool now shows how these recommendations change after every update. See who's recommended on your app page and on which competitors' pages your app appears.

In addition to Similar apps, we also display new badges, as well as pricing and publisher changes.

Source: appfollow.io

5. Keyword Auto-translation (Beta)

Auto-translate lets you work with keywords in any language. Use the "Translation On" button in the Keywords & ASO section to see the English translation for every keyword from any language.

Source: appfollow.io
Standard translations are done using the Google Translate API, but we can enable translations through Bing for Premium users by request.

6. New Downloads & Revenue Tool (Beta)

See all your critically important app metrics on one dashboard. AppFollow's new tool displays statistics on downloads, revenue, updates, and paying app users. You no longer need to compile spreadsheets manually or dive into consoles to get them.

Sample data displayed. Source: appfollow.io

See how you stack up with your past performance, like which app stores are experiencing the fastest download growth and where users pay the most.

Write us to join the closed beta
Sample data displayed. Source: appfollow.io

7. New Pricing

Our new pricing takes into account the needs of different companies, covering everyone from indie developers to start-ups and medium- and large-scale businesses.

Find out more on our Pricing page.

One More Thing:

Get ready for the AppFollow meetup in Berlin! Let’s connect this December to chat about mobile user acquisition, retention, and revenue, of course. Keep an eye on our blog to reserve your seat. See you there!

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