With AppFollow, your app will be discovered by millions of people organically on the App Store and Google Play.
AppFollow vs Mobile Action Comparison tableEvaluate brand contribution to the app’s download share Use high-level App Reputation Summary of your most successful app
Estimate the share of Search traffic by specific keywords Analyze the real number of organic installs by search requests
Track how your competitors change their taglines, CTAs, and titles over time Monitor dynamics of their app ranking and popular keywords
Increase the number of impressions per week by 5 times on average
Grow the number of organic installs by 490% on average
Boost conversion rate to installs by 11% on average
All the major KPIs and Metrics on one page
Easily evaluate ASO efforts and see how good your app is visible in search results
Quick overview of your app’s current state, including search optimization and Ratings & Reviews
Explore all keywords that any app is ranking for in any country with current positions
Find the most valuable keywords that bring you traffic and the brand impact on downloads
Quickly compare your app’s size, ratings, chart positions and find out the growth points
Get notified every time your app is about to be featured in the Store to be ready for new downloads
Filter the keywords for your next update to find the best ones and claim #1 position
Use the most relevant keywords for your app, without any manual research and brainstorming
Find out what keywords your competitors are using
Catch the keyword trends before your rivals do to secure the #1 position
Uncover if the selected keyword is referencing the specific brand, even if it’s not well-known