AppFollow Release Notes

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Evgeny Kruglov
AppFollow Release Notes

Every day we make AppFollow the best tool for apps’ monitoring, ASO and replying to reviews. We add new exciting features and improve the current ones every month. Here is a list of all updates.

Get in touch if you want to suggest new features or give us feedback on the existing ones.

Last updated: November 27, 2018

Version 4.1, November’18

  • Integration with Discord
  • Replies from Microsoft Teams via the native app
  • Response templates for everyone
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) support
  • Responding to Microsoft games, XBox, HoloLens
  • Semantic analysis (closed beta)
  • Keywords 2.0 — the greatest update of all times
  • Zendesk featured app
  • Slack brilliant bot

Version 4.0, September’18

AppFollow 4.0 — #1 Product of the Day on Product Hunt ?

12 killer features of 4.0 version.

Version 3.9, August’18

  • Featured Apps and Games monitor
  • The most accurate search results for iOS 12
  • Analyze any iOS app reviews and likes
  • Reviews and Replies Analysis
  • Reviews and updates charts on Slack and email
  • API update — 25 ready-made requests
  • Improved process of adding integrations — your favourite services added in three clicks

Version 3.8, July’18

  • Today Featured Apps Monitoring
  • Alerts about getting into featured Today list the day before it happened
  • Responses to Mac apps reviews
  • Amazon products support
  • Beta testers’ feedback support
  • Ready-made requests in API
  • Share cool reviews in social media
  • Mobile App for replies (beta)

Version 3.7, May’18

  • Reviews chart and apps’ icons in Slack alerts
  • Reviews multi-filters
  • Metrics of a reviews chart
  • Google Play promo banner support
  • Xbox and HoloLens apps support

Version 3.6, April’18

Within April we worked a lot with reviews and ratings features — now reviews support statuses, we launched popular templates for answers, and user-friendly search. We also bring new things to our ASO tools. And native app for Zendesk is coming pretty soon.

Version 3.5, March’18

In our first spring release we keep improving reviews, rating, integration settings and Add-on for Google Sheets.

Version 3.4, February’18

In our latest release we focused on improving our main tools: new integrations with Front and, Google Play ‘no-rating’ reviews support, new keyword graphs and few interesting featues in beta-access.

Version 3.3, January’18

We keep improving tools to work with reviews: we added new integrations, service notifications and “popular” reviews display. Besides that, we now support Mac App Store (at last!).

Version 3.2, November’17

In November we finally launched Help Desk integrations to the public together with first version of “Popular words” and “likes & dislikes” features for reviews, improved keywords function and opened new job positions.

Version 3.1, October’17

In the latest October release we’ve introduced Rating graph, favourite apps dashboard, Amazon Appstore support and improvements for ASO Tools and Slack reply-bot.

Version 3.0, September ’17

We did it! ?

Version 2.10, August ’17


  • Rating (Stars) are now supported through out the service
  • Reviews auto-translation
  • Reviews analysis graphs (Reviews number / Reviews number by tags / Replies by Users / Average reply time)
  • Deleted reviews support for Google Play

Version 2.9, July ’17


  • New Core API (faster data collection, larger data volumes support, etc.)
  • Track featuring updates
  • Apple Top Charts for selected countries
  • Notes for tracked keywords


  • Support for multiple Slack integrations
  • Microsoft Teams and Workplace by Facebook Integration


  • Embed for reviews

Version 2.8, June ’17


  • iOS reviews fully featured:
    - tagging, including “Updated” tag
    - full editing history both for users & developer
    - proper filters, including “Deleted reviews” & “Changes”
  • Multiple UI changes, including:
    - App version filter
    - New integrations list view
  • New ASO Tools options:
    - Words Count
    - Google Sheets Add-on
  • Basic timezone support


  • Setting up update periods for reviews (real-time / daily / weekly / monthly)
  • Reviews, ranks, keywords summary reports (daily / weekly / monthly)
  • New countries support in Search Ads
  • Adding apps from ASO Tools
  • New filters for Slack notifications: exclude iPad, only Primary category and etc
  • Full-featured Google Sheets Add-on

Version 2.7, May ’17


  • Updated email reports settings (individual for each email)
  • New countries support in Search Ads (Australia, New Zealand, UK)
  • Multiple UI improvements including easy app adding from ASP Tools search results


  • Reply to reviews directly from Slack (requires iTC & GP Console integrations)


  • New filters for Slack notifications:
    - Only for positions changed,
    - App positions only for the main category,
    - Excluding iPad app data from tracking.


  • Full-featured Google Sheets Add-on

Version 2.6, April ’17


  • Reply to App Store reviews from dashboard
  • Keywords module update:
    - improved graph
    - improved Summary table
    - improved API for Keywords (adding & editing keywords)
    - multiple UI & UX improvements
  • ASO tools Suggest & Search module update: quick app check-up directly from search results


  • New Slack reports to monitor app data from Google Analytics (daily, weekly, monthly)
  • Downloads graphs in Sales reports for Slack

Version 2.5, March ’17


  • Multiple improvements:
    - Rating added to apps in collections,
    - Extended data for Google Play reviews,
    - Sub-category support for App Store,
  • ASO Tools improvements:
    - Add keywords specific for the device (iPhone / iPad / Android)
    - Select only needed keywords for tracking in search results


  • Reports for Sales & Downloads, AppsFlyer, Appmetrica and Search Ads can be scheduled now (daily / weekly / monthly)


  • Both Slack & Telegram bots now support requests for Apple TV apps.
  • Refresh button to update latest command results

Version 2.4, February ’17


  • ASO Tools launch,
  • ASO API: new call for suggest, search, trending search.


  • Additional stats for all words in top-1, top-5, etc. in Slack Keyword notifications,
  • New Slack reports for App Analytics in iTunes Connect and User Acquisition in Google Play Dev Console,
  • New Slack reports for Search Ads campaigns performance,
  • New Slack reports for AppMetrica ad campaigns performance.

Version 2.3, December ’16


  • Search Ads support added to ASO Tools
  • New dashboard look-&-feel,
  • Automatic reviews sharing to Twitter.


  • New Slack report type: daily+weekly sales and downloads reports for App Store & Google Play,
  • New Slack report type: daily AppsFlyer ads campaigns reports,
  • WebHook URL support added (e.g. you can now receive reviews in Telegram app).

Version 2.1, November ’16


  • Supports iMessage apps,
  • New search by iOS apps (supports prefixes: appletv, imessage, watch, ipad, search apps by developer URL),
  • Notes for app reviews.


  • Improved format for Slack-notifications.


  • Updated Telegram and Slack bots to version 2.0 (now with buttons).

Version 2.0, September ’16:


  • Web-site re-launch based on users feedback: full service description, F.A.Q., team bio, pricing, etc.
  • New pricing: simplified and highly customisable

Version 1.14, August ‘16:


  • Google Play Dev Console integration via OAuth
  • Bulk settings for integrations in app collections
  • Ranks chart for categories tops
  • Improvements in keywords and reviews monitors.


  • Improved message format for Slack

Version 1.13, July ‘16:


  • Keyword Ranking Chart
  • Compare tool v.1: compare all available data between apps in your collections
  • Windows Store support added (instead of Windows Phone Store)
  • API updated: Google sheets integration added
  • Featuring monitor (only for Premium users)


  • Slack WebHook URL integration is available again (if “Add to Slack” is for some reasons unavailable)

Version 1.12, May ‘16:


  • Multi-user support: invite colleagues into your accounts
  • User-based reviews filtering added


  • ZenDesk integration added

Version 1.11, April ‘16:


  • Custom tags for reviews: manage tags for reviews yourself (add, edit, delete)
  • Improved app page: more data available, including symbols count for descriptions and what’s new, in-app purchases list, versions list.


  • Slack integration available in Slack app directory


  • Telegram app bot ver. 1.0: access trending searches, search suggestions, top overall and top category data with simple commands

Version 1.10, March ‘16:


  • ASO-Keywords: get insights on all apps available for particular keywords search (before: only apps in your collections)
  • Reviews filtering: you can now apply several filters simultaneously
  • AppFollow is featured on Product Hunt


  • Slack OAuth support for easier integration + improved settings for channels


  • Slack bot ver. 1.0 launched: access trending searches, search suggestions, top overall and top category data with simple commands

Version 1.9, January ‘16:


  • Support for Apple TV and iPad Pro: appropriate meta-data available on the app page
  • Automatic reviews translation (with Google Translate)


  • Automatic reviews translation support added to email reports and Slack integration

Version 1.8, December ‘15:


  • Search for reviews within app collections
  • Numerous UI and speed improvements

Version 1.7, November ‘15:


  • Windows Phone Store support added
  • ASO Keywords: now you can track search phrases as well
  • Google Play users search added
  • Google Play Developer page information added


  • HipChat support added: you can now receive reviews and other updates into HipChat channel
  • Slack support for Windows Phone Store added

Version 1.6, October ‘15:


  • ASO-Keywords module: track search results positions for your own and your competitors apps for particular keywords
  • Keywords spy: get insights on keywords competitors use
  • AppFollow API ver. 1.0: apps and reviews data available


  • Daily/weekly keywords search results positions reports added
  • Slack alerts for keywords search results added

Version 1.5, August ‘15:


  • Top overall & top categories monitoring
  • Reviews changes history for App Store and Google Play
  • App page meta-data history to track ASO changes
  • Shareable links for app updates and reviews available


  • Improved Slack integration: added what’s new updates and positions in top overall & top category

Version 1.3, June ‘15:


  • Support for Apple Watch added: appropriate meta-data available on the app page

Version 1.2, April ‘15:


  • Reply link for Google Play reviews
  • Developers answers added to Google Play reviews


  • Slack integration (through webhook) allows get user reviews into dedicated Slack-channel

Version 1.1, March ‘15:


  • Reviews filtering (stars/versions)
  • Tags for reviews: use predefined tags to mark reviews
  • App page including descriptions, versions, what’s new, screenshots, icons and other meta-data


  • Filtered reviews email alerts in real time
  • Trello integration

Version 1.0, February ‘15:


  • App Store and Google Play reviews monitor
  • App collections (group apps to track all their activities at once)


  • Daily/weekly email reports
  • What’s new updates (including text change log)

Let AppFollow manage your
reputation for you