AppFollow 8.2: updates behind the scenes

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Olga Padulosi
AppFollow 8.2: updates behind the scenes

Table of Content:

  1. Would you like to contribute to AppFollow's development?
  2. Looking for Beta testers!
  3. A monthly dose of content
    • How to engage users at every stage of the app lifecycle
    • AppFollow Academy Sessions: Understanding your Google Play Data

This Product Update may look a bit unusual to you as you won’t see what we’ve been working on but will surely experience it in the service.

We always prioritize what to work on based on your feedback and in the past months, we’ve been rebuilding our service and admin panel so you don’t have to wait even minutes for data to load. As the year is coming to an end, we are very proud to announce that a major part of our service works faster and is more stable than ever.

Would you like to contribute to AppFollow's development?

We preach what we teach, and as we constantly share best practices on user feedback management, now we want to talk to our customers and interview you about AppFollow. If you are happy to share your feedback during a 1-1 call with our Product Managers, please fill in this form and we will be in touch.

Looking for Beta testers!

We are about to release a completely new interface of our Reply to Reviews page and we are looking for early beta testers! If you fancy a sneak peek and are happy to provide your feedback after some weeks of testing it, please leave your contact information in this form.

A monthly dose of content

We continue with our educational webinars that aim to help you take the most out of AppFollow and learn about experience of market leaders and here is what we’ve been preparing for you in November.

How to engage users at every stage of the app lifecycle

We gathered experts from Paired, Flo, and Fastic to talk about strategies for user engagement, metrics, cross-team collaboration and more. This chat will be moderated by the celebrity of the mobile world Peggy Anne Salz. 

Date: December 6

Sign up here.

AppFollow Academy Sessions: Understanding your Google Play Data

Did you know that Google recalculates and deletes ratings regularly? This means that the rating distribution today may be very different from what it looked like yesterday.

That is why AppFollow provides you with strategic insights including worldwide incremental daily ratings, country and version breakdowns, and additional information about your app’s downloads and conversion rate.

Date: December 7

Sign up here.

Let AppFollow manage your
reputation for you