AppFollow 2.8 — June Edition

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Anatoly Sharifulin
AppFollow 2.8 — June Edition
TL;DR: We improved iOS-reviews support so now you have full Customer Support tool at hand. We as well introduced interval Slack reports, integration list new look, extra options in ASO Tools & more.

1. iOS reviews: updates logs, advanced filtering & all that stuff

Step-by-step we continue adding support for iOS reviews similar to one we have for Android. First we introduced replies support, then it was Slack Reply-bot, and now we have reviews history log and additional filters to optimize support routines. So you can communicate with both iOS & Android users from a single point. It’s now that easy to run your own Customer Support.

  • Renewed reviews are marked off;
Updated review for iOS app
  • We provide reviews & answers changes log: if user decided to update his initial review, we’ll have both old & new versions & same applies to developers’ answers. Btw, it’s not supported neither by iTunes Connect nor by Google Play Console;
Reviews & replies history
  • We as well keep users rating log which allows easier track users’ opinion changes: if they improve from negative to positive or vice versa;
  • We added filters to speed up reviews processing: “only updated”,”reviews with answers” or “without”;
Filter by reviews
  • And we’ve introduced new filter — Deleted — these are the reviews which were for any reason deleted from App Store. You can’t answer them, of course, but it’s good to know about them;
Deleted review for iOS app
  • A one of a kind filter: did it get better or worse? It tracks how users change their attitude towards your app.
New filter

2. Slack: reviews reports

Quite persistantly some of our customers were asking to get periodic Slack reviews reports. While few others wanted to et access to aggregated data similar to our email reports. We managed to make both of that:

  • So now you can decide how often you need this reviews: in real-time / for a whole day / for a whole week / for a whole month.
Reviews for Slack
  • Or instead of the reviews themselves — aggregated report for a chosen period.
Summary report for Super Mario Run app

Please check out our Help Center for more details.

3. Slack: ranks & keywords reports

To keep the pace, we’ve added daily/weekly/monthly Slack-reports for rankings & keywords search results as well. They have same idea behind: use reports for a given period if it works for you. It’s a simple way to stay updated on the one hand and not be distracted too often with every new status on the other.

Settings for Keywords History in Slack

4. Renewed Google Play app version filter for reviews

If you already activated Google Play Console OAuth integration, you can get more data for each review, including app version. Together with this integration we’ve added app version filter but, unfortunately, it didn’t work properly. We completely renewed it so now there shouldn’t be any problems.

Filter by version for Android apps

5. New integrations list view

This is another noticable improvement. Our list of integrations is constantly growing, and at some point it became quite complicated to access & manage them all. We received several complains that it’s impossible to remember how to operate them properly. That’s why we completely re-designed this section with full active integrations list, added search & simplified adding new ones. Hopefully, it’s much more convenient now. We’ll continue working with this interface and hope to make it even better.

New integrations list view

6. New ASO Tools options

We slightly renewed our ASO Tools:

  • We added new option to count chartcters & words in your texts — Words Count. As both App Store and Google Play constantly limit us with number of characters in app names, descriptions & other text fields we though of adding a very simple tool to keep this under control. Never-the-less, it has one small picularity — it as well counts words repeats in your texts. If you conduct ASO regularly, this will help get you optimal repeats rate for you keywords;
Words Count in ASO Tools
  • We made a separate help page for Google Sheets Add-on which was recently updated to version 2.0. We aim at simplifying of adding & setting it up.
Google Sheets Add-on в ASO Tools

More details about ASO Tools are in our Help Center.

7. Time Zone support

You can now set you time zone in Account settings. This will allow you to get email reports at more convenient time (so far we used only Moscow timezone). We’ll gradually add timezone support for data aggregations & other report types. Please, drop us a line if you feel that we don’t mail you in right time.

Time Zone support

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