AppFollow 2.7: reply to reviews directly from Slack

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Anatoly Sharifulin
AppFollow 2.7: reply to reviews directly from Slack

TL;DR: If you’re working with reviews in the App Store and Google Play and also use Slack, our new Reply bot will be particularly good for you — reply to user reviews right from Slack.

1. Slack Reply bot

In March Apple finally allowed developers to reply to user reviews in the App Store. Right after that we added support for these replies in our previous release. This allowed to improve customer support for all our users: all reviews are collected in one place and there is no more need to switch between iTunes Connect and Google Play Console (and having a hard time of managing your employees access to this systems).

“We can do even better” — we thought and here is our Slack Reply bot. To be fair, many of our users also got this idea and were asking us: “Can you make it?” We can now proudly say: “Yes, we can”.

Reply to rewiews in Slack

Exactly, now you can reply to your user reviews directly from Slack app. Just set up the integration with iTunes Connect and/or with Google Play Console, add integration with Slack and turn on Reply bot. Voila! The detailed guideline on how to do it is here.

This is beta feature, please let us know if you find some issues ?

2. Setting up email-reports

Moving forward to other important news, we updated email-reports settings interface — now you can set up reports for each user separately.

Email-reports set-up

We’re planning to devote more time to email-reports in the near future. We’d like to make them as convenient as our Slack updates. Read more here.

3. New countries support in Search Ads

Recently Apple added three new countries to work with in Search Ads — Australia, the UK and New Zealand. We added support for them right away in our ASO Tools:

Search Ads Quality Score in ASO Tools

If you monitor keywords search results positions, we now can show you the graph with position changes & also Quality Score data (of course, if this data is available). From now on it’s easier to range keywords by popularity.

App Keywords Report

4. Adding apps from ASO Tools

If you’re actively working with ASO Tools, most likely you always notice some apps that worth tracking. Well, add them to your collection right from ASO Tools — just click on a very special green plus next to each app:

Adding new apps to the collection in ASO Tools

5. New filters for Slack notifications

There is never too much when it comes to filters. We’ve been asked regularly to allow choosing notification types to be send in Slack — it helps to stay focused and not get distracted by not-that-important alerts. And we listened:

  • You now can get keyword notifications only if their positions have changed.
  • You can track app positions only for the main category.
  • You can exclude iPad app data from tracking.
Filter set-up for Slack notifications

If it’s still not enough & you need more, drop us a line ?

6. Apps from Collection & Similar Apps Widgets

We added Apps from Collection widget so you can easier switch between apps when it is needed. There is one more list below — Similar Apps widget with possible competitors apps so you can add them for tracking.

App page in AppFollow

We hope working with collections will be a bit easier now.

7. Full-featured Google Sheets Add-on

This winter we described how to create a semantic core for your app with our ASO Tools. And there we told about our Google Sheet extension to simplify all data mining. However, this extension was a bit tricky to use ? And, as there were quite a number of requests, we completely re-worked it.

So now our full-featured Google Sheets add-on is ready and available for all Google Docs users.

AppFollow Add-On for Google Sheets v2.0

There are 15 functions you can do: export data from your AppFollow account (e.g. reviews, keyword report) or from ASO Tools (e.g. key phrases from Suggests & Search or Search Ads Quality Score). So now it should be easier to conduct ASO and create app reports. More details as always are in our Help Center.

Try it & let us know what you think of it. We’d love to hear your feedback ?

One more thing…

We’re working hard over a new set of features & we’re looking forward to talk with the teams who use Zendesk, Freshdesk, HelpShift or similar ticketing services to support their customers. Please, get in touch with us via or Intercom in our dashboard. We would be very grateful if you could join as our beta-testers.

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Anatoly Sharifulin
Anatoly Sharifulin
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Anatoly Sharifulin
Anatoly Sharifulin

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