AppFollow Update — Autumn Edition

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Anatoly Sharifulin
AppFollow Update — Autumn Edition


  • Support iMessage apps,
  • New search for iOS apps,
  • Improved Slack notifications,
  • Notes for app reviews,
  • Updated Telegram Messenger and Slack bots,
  • New price calculator which means it’s easier to choose the right plan and calculate the exact price.

1. iMessage Support

App search, monitoring of reviews, updates and positions in category tops as well as tracking which apps got featured in the App Store — all this is currently available for iMessage apps.

iMessage apps for “”
Moody Foodies iMessage app
Slack notification: iMessage app Nimbo! was featured
Slack-notification: new version of iMessage app Chapik

2. Updated iOS app search

We improved search for iOS apps in AppFollow. Now when you search for any app, search results will be identical to the one you see on your iPhone.

App search in the App Store for “uber”

It’s easy to find apps of particular kind by using one of the following prefixes:

  • appletv — search for Apple TV apps only,
  • watch —Apple Watch apps,
  • imessage — iMessage apps,
  • ipad — iPad apps.
Apple Watch apps for “uber”

Moreover, there is an opportunity to find and add apps by developer or editor name, e. g. apps by Google Inc.:

Apps by Google Inc. in the App Store
Apps by Google Inc. in the Google Play

In the next AppFollow release you will be able to add all apps by publisher name with one click as well as track apps of the selected publisher via Slack. If you’d like to test beta-version of this feature, send a request to

3. Slack-notifications format

We improved the format of all types of notifications in Slack. Now messages’ formatting adjusts to integration set-up. You will see either:

  • app icon (if you receive notifications about one of more apps in one channel),
  • or appstore’s icon (if iOS and Android apps data is exported to one channel).
Reviews by Yahoo Aviate Launcher with app icon
Snapchat reviews with the App Store’s icon
Snapchat reviews with the Google Play’s icon

If the review was updated, it’d be tagged with a special emoji (bell). Such reviews are easier to spot among the others:

Reviews by Google Allo

You can also add customized emoji that will enhance notifications’ view by tagging ranks changes with colourful arrows. Thanks a lot to JetRadar team for this idea!

Default settings
Customized emoji for Slack

Learn how to set up customized emoji in Slack integration here.

4. More filters for Slack

We are testing two new features that allow setting up review filters for Slack in more sophisticated way:

  • Tracking reviews by particular keyword, for example, by “bug” or negative keyword “promo code”,
  • Setting up several Slack integrations for a single app. For instance, negative reviews can be delivered to one channel and positive ones to another.

If you’d like to get access to these features, send a request to

5. Notes for app reviews

Sometimes when working with user reviews, you might have wished you could leave a comment or note about the content or author. Now this feature is available in your personal profile. Click “Note” right under the review!

Notes for app review

6. New Slack and Telegram bots

We updated our bot @AppFollowBot for Slack and Telegram:

Telegram Bot
Slack Bot

Now bots have a clickable dashboard and support group chats. All your team members can discuss, e.g. how app position changed on iPhone or Android in group chats.


7. Price calculator

We worked long and hard on new price plans. As a result, we launched a new calculator that helps you to determine the final price. In calculator you can select the amount of apps, countries, keywords and choose PRO-features of your interest: automated translation, data about ranking (stars), featuring monitor and access to ASO Tools.

Based on chosen settings you will see the monthly price and the discounted price for semi-annual or annual payments.

Price Calculator in AppFollow

There is still Free plan available on AppFollow. It allows tracking up to 2 apps, 2 countries и 20 keywords. Sign up for free right now!

If you are interested in getting more information subscribe to Premium plan. Customize your settings and pay just as much as your current needs require.

Instead of P. S.

Some of our clients work with AppFollow via API.

One user from Japan developed JS-library that serves as a helping hand in the whole process. It’s available on npm

We appreciate this input a lot! Learn more about AppFollow API in our Help Center.

Thanks to Jana Starostovich and Evgeny Kruglov.

Follow AppFollow news in Twitter, Facebook or Medium, and we will help you to track your competitors apps in App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Store through Slack, HipChat, Zendesk, email and chat-bots.

Share this article on your social media channels and get access to extended free plan. For more details —

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