AppFollow 2.4 Update, Winter Edition

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Anatoly Sharifulin
AppFollow 2.4 Update, Winter Edition

Winter is almost over and we are ready to present you our first updates in 2017. AppFollow is now integrated with App Analytics from iTunes Connect, andUser Acquisition from Google Play Console, as well we got new integrations to monitor ad campaigns through AppMetrica and Search Ads. As well we improved our core features: Keywords, ASO tools and API.

1. App Analytics & User Acquisition Integration

App Analytics Report in Slack

Sales report launch set off new type of integrations, so soon enough we’re adding integrations with App Analytics in iTunes Connect and User Acquisition in Google Play Dev Console. Currently you can get updates on impressions, views, conversions and sessions stats in your Slack. It helps to keep an eye on your KPIs and have insights on ASO implementations: did your latest changes influence on your potential users?!

User Acquisition Report in Slack

Here is the guide on how to set up these integrations.

2. Search Ads Integration

We continue implementing new features for Search Ads (first part was done in the end of last year). If you’re already using this tool to advertise your apps, you can now receive updates on your campaigns directly in Slack.

Search Ads report in Slack

You can easily add this integration to your account.

3. AppMetrica Integration

A brand new integration we hope you’ll like as well — AppMetrica stats in Slack. Similar to AppsFlyer, AppMetrica allows you to track ad campaigns performance, and our integration brings key metrics in your Slack:

AppMetrica report in Slack

AppMetrica integration setup is quite complex but it’s definitely worth it ?.

4. Keywords Improvement

We’ve updated Keywords Slack format by adding a short summary on keywords: short stats for all words & phrases in top-1, top-5, etc. We as well point out the change so it’s easier to track the dynamics.

New Keywords report in Slack

Soon we’ll add this data in your web-account in AppFollow.

We as well improved keywords rankings by supporting bundles in the search results. So now app positions data is much more precise.

Bundle apps in App Store search results

5. ASO API: suggest, search, trending search

As we add new features to our service, we improve our API as well. For all those of you who are actively pumping up ASO for their apps we added new calls: Suggest, Search and Trending search. In our previous article we explained how this features work.

We also moved our API doc to a very convenient service —

This service has a very convenient options like input and output data and URL, Python and JavaScript request examples.

Besides, we updated our Google Docs tool so you can make use of new API calls there too:


6. Updated ASO Tools

Of course, we’ve updated ASO tools too:

  • Made some interface optimisations to improve your experience;
  • ASO tools are now linked to your personal profile;
  • Significantly improved the overall quality of the tools.

Soon we’ll simplify adding keywords and apps to your collections. You can read about ASO in more details here.

7. One more thing…

Finally, our favourite part. Now AppFollow allows you to order a short promo video about your app based on data we have. It will look like this:

Video for Clash Royale app (U.S. App Store)

If you’re using AppFollow and would like to have such a video, just send us a request from your account.

Give us ? or share this article on your social media channels and get an extended free plan. For more details —

Follow AppFollow news in Twitter, Facebook or Medium, and we will help you to track your competitors apps in App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Store through Slack, HipChat, Zendesk, email and chat-bots.

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