Mobile Growth Online Meetup [Recording]

Mobile Growth Online Meetup [Recording]

Who can better tell you how to get millions of app downloads than those who already have them? 

At Mobile Growth Online Meetup speakers from successful apps discussed Product Management, User Acquisition, App Store Optimization, and more.


    Apoorva Tyagi, Senior Product Manager at SignEasy

    Hannah Parvaz, Head of Growth at Curio

    Vera Rabkina, Product Manager at AppFollow

    Neb Mitrikeski, Game Designer at A Thinking Ape

    Watch video recordings:

    • How supporting new iOS features can help apps get more visibility in the App Store. Apoorva Tyagi, SignEasy

    • How one Facebook ad became the Paid User Acquisition Campaign of the year. Hannah Parvaz, Curio

    • Finding product fit in mobile: How to build an app users actually need. Vera Rabkina, AppFollow

    • How to create mobile games with players in mind. UX design best practiсes. Neb Mitrikeski, A Thinking Ape

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