Better reputation
of your shopping app

Optimize review management, gain valuable insights, and improve customer service.

Better reputation<br>of your shopping app

Trusted by

Benchmarks of review management in Shopping category

Benchmarks of review management in Shopping category

How top 10 apps in Shopping category reply to app reviews:

Avg total reply rate: 37%
Avg reply rate to featured reviews: 27%
Avg reply rate to negative reviews: 50%

The only service you need to monitor and manage your
mobile app reviews

Analyze and monitor iOS, Android, and Amazon reviews in one dashboard.

Gather product insights from reviews, analyze parameters such as: country, sentiment, language, app version, and more.

Respond to app reviews in 1 click directly in our dashboard.

Delegate routine to AI
with Review Management Automation

Delegate routine to AI<br>with Review Management Automation
Set up auto-replies to address typical reviews.
Catalogue crucial reviews (f.e. bugs, feature requests, etc) with auto-tags.
Get rid of inappropriate reviews with auto-report-a-concern. Track how many inappropriate reviews you removed.
Save hours with auto-translation of reviews from any language.
Create templates for replies to always keep your brand voice.

Discover ways to increase your average rating

Discover ways to increase your average rating
User feedback splitted in categories: see the most mentioned issues and solve them before your users churns.
Find growth opportunities in competitor reviews.
Set up email reports to always be aware of the changes in your ratings and reviews at a glance.
Monitor efficiency of your response strategy and its influence on app rating.

Our goal is to reply to reviews in such a way that potential clients say, “These Joom guys are nice, friendly people! They’re going to help me when I’m in trouble.” AppFollow’s integration with Helpshift helps us do this.

Ekaterina Savelieva Head of Support at Joom
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AppFollow allows us to track app review volume and ratings over time, Semantics Analytics for tracking trending topics and sentiment for review insights reporting. I highly recommend the service if you need an effective product for app review management with detailed access to dashboards and reporting!

Jennifer Wang Director of Operations at Techstyle
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Try AppFollow for your shopping app today